[A] <Benevolence> is Recruiting! | Tues-Wed 8:00 PM EST

Benevolence is a raiding guild looking for active players to bolster it’s ranks. Our guild is run by a committee of officers who heavily rely on guild feedback, including guild wide voting, so that not one individual controls the direction of the guild.

Is Benevolence right for you? Here is some additional information:
-Our raid days and times are Tuesday and Wednesday at 8pm-11pm server time, with Wednesday as our progressive raid night.
-We have Molten Core/Onyxia/Blackwing Lair on weekly farm status, as well as impromptu raid sign ups for Zul’Gurub on reset.
-Our Loot rules are BiS>MS>OS with a 2 item limit.
-With Phase 5 right around the corner, we are eager to step into Ahn’Qiraj.

We are currently looking for DPS to complete our raid roster. Although we have a preference on Warlocks, Rogues and Fury Warriors, all classes and roles are welcome to join!

To contact us, please leave a message here, or send a message or mail in-game to Roburt or Protekt.

We look forward to hearing from you! See you in Azeroth!