(A) (Benediction) <Under Raided> is Recruiting for 10Man Heroic! LATE NIGHT RAIDING!


Our guild is brand new at start of cataclysm. Our guild is growing fast & filled with plenty of high end raiders. We are a guild that will primarily focus on heroic raiding but options for normal & rated battlegrounds.

Raid Times:
Saturday 11pm-2am ST
Sunday 11pm-2am ST

Recruitment List:
Feral Druid

Holy Paladin
Disc (Shadow OS)

Ele Shaman
Boomkin (Resto OS)
Fire Mage

Ret (Prot OS)

All specs & players are encouraged to contact an officer or GM if you are a high caliber of player.

We are also in need of Officers & Class Leaders. If you are interested bring it up when you contact me.

If we grow fast enough I will convert raid team to 25man.

Contact me @
Bnet: Tekihobo#1802
Discord: Elitehobo

Hope to hear from you soon! Thank you!!

Join us as we build our foundation!!