Awesome thanks. Really hate loot council. It always turns into an ‘old boys club’
Yea, everyone seems happy about it – in both our raids.
Cool, will contact you
hey saw this and was very interested and excited! I use to play a hunter in vanilla with exp In Mc-Naxx played all the way up to WotLK then quit. Now I’m married age 30 multiple kids … and your morning raid time is so perfect for me! I play a mage now on thunderfury realm just hit 60 a week ago started playing classic. In December. I’m almost in full pre BiS Already 300/300 alch/Herb and already have my epic mount. I am willing to transfer if You are willing to give me an opportunity! I
Hey there Samoan!
Sounds great, would love to chat with you. Go ahead and friend me on discord, RedDog#0332 and we’ll connect.
Mage spot filled. Now looking for just 1xLock
Thanks Jatha, looking forward to it
Still looking for 1x warlock.
In search for 1x lock please
Still looking, 1x lock
Morning team only 1 lock needed.
Evening team needs have been updated.
Bumping post, still on the lookout for evening team. See main post pls
Evening team looking for fury warrior and lock.
Do you guys log?
Yep, mostly to pit members against each other in fights to the death
lol, nah just for funsies
lol thanks, good to know
Go ahead and contact me on discord
I will thanks. Have a few friends who are interested
Warrior and Lock for evening team still. Filled 1 warrior spot already.
Still looking for evening team. See OP