| NA - Alliance | PvP | Tues/Wed Nights
The guild is recruiting exceptional players for our raiding roster (AQ40 - 9/9 bosses)! We are a Semi-Hardcore guild that is focused on clearing raid content as quickly and efficiently as possible. We also participate in organized PvP such as Premades, and World PvP.
Raid Times
Tuesday & Wednesday: 8pm -12am Server Time (Invites at 7:30pm)
We are looking for exceptional Paladins, Priests, Warrior DPS, and Rogues. Any other exceptional players may still apply.
It is expected that each person plays their class at a proficient and competitive level, and come prepared to each raid with consumables, and world buffs.
We use a Loot Council system. Gear is awarded based on performance, and attendance of raids.
If interested, send a message in discord to one of these hunks:
holiediver#3905 (Holiediver in-game)
Taco#9221 (Tac in-game)
Awalsh1110#7961 (Hwlz in-game)