Hi Sharewolf – we are not actively recruiting Holy Priests at the moment, but we do accept Casual Members who get placed in line for roster spots if one comes up. I would encourage you to stop by our discord which has our guild charter outlining our systems and organization, and if you think we may be a good fit for you you’re welcome to drop an app!
ok i will, casual seems good for now anyway!
Morning raiders looking for a home, apply at Daybreak
Thursday/Friday 9:30am-12:30pm:
- Hunter
- Resto Shaman
- Warlock
This seems perfect for me. I just hit 70 with my hunter and would definitely be willing to transfer if you guys give me a spot.
Edit: F my life, just realized u guys are alliance haha. Maybe my TBC experience just isnt meant to be.
Yes we are alliance, sorry if you are horde If you decide to roll alliance please visit our discord linked above in the initial message and apply.
Always looking for excellent daytime players, please apply on our discord.
Looking to raid instead of watching Soaps, come check out Daybreak
Bumping this post. If your an alliance daytime player getting excited for P2 content, hit us up!
Looking for Balance Druid, Survival Hunter, and Resto Shaman! Drop us a note if this is you!
Bumping for daytime raiding!
Looking for 3 players for our Wed/Thu 11:00am team! Drop us a note!
Still looking for Daytime raiders
Bumping this with updated recruitment needs!
Updated recruitment needs!
Major Bumpage
bump you again
Still looking to fill a couple key spots before phase 2 drops
Recruiting a few spots on our teams. If you’re a daytime raider looking to get into T5 content, hit us up!
New spots open! Join today!
Recruiting for both weekday and weekend teams! Stop by our discord!