🍻[A] <Battlestein Company> Dwarven RP Guild

Battlestein Company and the Picks & Pints are going to be travelling to the dangerous lands of the Isle of Giants tomorrow night! Readings indicate an Azerite Load has appeared on the island, and the dwarves of Khaz Modan intend on reaching it first!

From fighting giant dinos like this to hanging out at our weekly pub in Anvilmar, the Battlestein company has all kinds of RP! If you're looking for a great active guild, look no further!
Fer tha Farge!
Come check out our site to see the newest changes to our Traitforge D20 system! We use DiceMaster - the addon - for our D20 stuff, and have our own user guide, fully put together and illustrated by our own Dunnrick!
Battlestein are awesome!

Give them a check out folks, seriously. You'll love them too.
Your enthusiasm makes me really want to make a dwarf character.

There are so many cool guilds in the Mead Hall Community on this server. Open to all levels, classes and so on.
Do you crave battles and brews like any good ol' traditional Dwarf? The Battlestein Company will sate your thirst.

Interested in raid, plunder and the glories of blacksmithing? The Steelgrasp Brigade is where you will find that.

Or do the skies appeal to you the most? Do you have a love for Gryphons and aerial combat? Clan Drakehammer is where you wish to be!

No matter where you go, the Mead Hall is amazing. So yes, make a Dwarf!
Best of all, there are way more guilds than just those three. <3! You will find exactly what you want.
Be sure to come visit us at the Spring Brewfest this Sunday at the Stormwind docks! 6-9 pm! The Steel Pub will be there for the night!

Tha's right! Th' Battlestein Company is hostin' this month's Dwarven Moot! Hope to see all of you Dwarves, and friends there-of at Frosthold this Saturday at 6 PM as we kick off the festivities!

We've got tons o' !@#$e t' do, s' be there 'er be somewhere else. We'll be too drunk t' care!
Also.... BUMP!
I hear the Moot turned out well. Good job.
Join Ashforge and the Mead Hall as they investigate the source of some newly empowered undead! Tonight at 6pm!
I've recently migrated from ED to start over here. I have been leveling this DK, while prepping for the Dark Iron rogue and pally I'll be making later. Battlestein Company sounds like a ridiculous amount of fun. I will try and reach out to you folks soon. Cheers :)
Join us tonight at 7:30 for some Brews on Boats. The Travelin' Tankard will be sea-bound in Thousand Needles for the Thousand Boat Bash! Bring your fishing pole and a thirst to be quenched! Casual relaxing RP with the Dwarves!
*Downs a slammer and casually bumps the thread.*
Join us next Sunday night, from 6-9 for our monthly Market Night! We'll be packing up the caravan and the Dwarves will invade Darnassus for a night of drinking and fun! Let's OOCly send off this amazing city, as we ICly try our best not to get arrested for disorderly conduct.