[A] < Battle Hardened > Carries

** Due to the high demand for such an awesome mount, we are completely booked for the M Jaina [Glacial Tidestorm] mount until Shadowlands drops. I can put you on a first-come-first-serve backup list in case someone backs out, but cannot guarantee a spot in any of our runs. **

Hello there friends!

It’s that time of tier again, when AOTCs start dropping awesome mounts. As is tradition since WoD, < Battle Hardened > will be selling AOTC carries for the [Uncorrupted Voidwing] mount from Heroic N’zoth and Mythic Jaina carries for the [Glacial Tidestorm] .

Heroic N’zoth

  • [Uncorrupted Voidwing] mount
  • A chance at 470iLvl personal loot (our raiders will already be saved)
  • A chance at 470iLvl bonus roll loot

[Mythic: Jaina Lady Jaina Proudmore] - 300,000 gold, paid only on Wyrmrest Accord Alliance

Included in the 300k gold price are:

  • [Mythic: Jaina Lady Jaina Proudmore] Battle Raid Achievement
    ** [Glacial Tidestorm] mount
  • A chance at 415iLvl personal loot
  • A chance at 415iLvl bonus roll loot

The way this will work is:

  1. Send in-game mail to SHALATHE-WyrmrestAccord to reserve your spot. I will send you in-game mail back to let you know when you will be running.
  2. 10minutes before your scheduled time, be on your character and have the gold on your toon. It’s also a good idea to bring a reroll token for the chance at extra gear!
  3. We will summon you to the boss, and you will trade Shalathe your gold.
  4. You will tag the boss, then go die (jumping off the side of the platform works!)
  5. We will defeat the boss, and you get your title, your mount, and any loot RNGesus decides to provide.


Q: Can I give you the gold AFTER we kill the boss?
A: I don’t want to accuse anyone of being shady and dipping after the run with their gold still intact, but we do ask for the gold up front for a reason. We’ve been running these groups since WoD and have yet to make off with anyone’s money. We like our home here on WRA too much to peddle it away for the cost of one measly AOTC run.

Q: Isn’t selling runs against the ToS?
A: We aren’t selling runs for real money, and therefore are perfectly fine.

Q: I am off server! Can I still get a run?
A: We only provide carries for those that have gold on WRA.

Q: Sounds great! How do I sign up?
A: Send Shalathe in-game mail, and I will send you mail back as soon as I can with a timeframe for you!

Had to create a new thread, since name changing from Mythrenathen>Shalathe locked me out of editing my previous thread. Here is the link if you’d like to read some of the good reviews we’ve gotten:

Please note that there is a two week waiting period for Jaina mounts at this time. Due to the limited number of weeks left before Shadowlands release, if you want a spot reserved, you need to let me know ASAP.

The first date we have openings for the Jaina mount is OCTOBER 11TH. If you want a spot in that run, you need to let us know ASAP!

Throwing this back up to the top!

Prepatch is next week, so the [Ahead of the Curve] achievement is gone on Tuesday. HOWEVER, you’ll still be able to get the totally awesome sparkle tentacle dragon [Uncorrupted Voidwing] until Shadowlands drops.

We’re also booked up for Jaina runs until October 25th. If you’re interested in the [Glacial Tidestorm] mount, you need to send me mail in-game ASAP to reserve your spot NOW!

** Due to the high demand for such an awesome mount, we are completely booked for the M Jaina [Glacial Tidestorm] mount until Shadowlands drops. I can put you on a first-come-first-serve backup list in case someone backs out, but cannot guarantee a spot in any of our runs. **

Throwing this back to the top! The LAST RUNS of H N’zoth are going to be happening this THURS NOV 19th! If you don’t yet have your mount and you’re

  • Level 120
  • Alliance
  • On Wyrmrest Accord

let us know ASAP so we can make sure we have a spot for you!

Myself (Marblewood) and Nightstar would be interested in H N’zoth this thursday, if you have room.


We’re running tonight starting at 630pm server, so if you still need your mount, you’re max level on Alliance side, and you live here on WRA, send me a whisper ASAP!

Was carried by < Battle Hardened > on the 22nd of November around 6pm Server, and it was everything as promised! Technical issues aside, the run was clean and the folks were polite and professional towards their customers. We received our Glacial Tidestorm mounts roughly twenty minutes after the run began, and I’m very satisfied with my second-appointment with this guild! I know who to count on should I request their services again!

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