(A) <Bangarang> Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 Semi-Hardcore

Who We Are:

Bangarang is a semi-hardcore guild that likes to play and is focused on clearing content while having fun. The focus of the guild is on improving our performance in small ways every time we enter a raid. Always pushing the edge of what is possible for us and thinking of the next improvement for yourself, the raid, or the guild.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (EST) and Thursday: 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (EST) Karazhan: 11/11 Magtheridon: 1/1 Gruul: 2/2

Rules for Raiding:

We take raiding seriously and want everyone to perform well but have fun while doing so. We expect everyone to put their best effort forward and be prepared for raids ahead of time. Be active on trash just as you would be on Boss encounters. Full Consumables for Raiding (Potions, Elixirs, Flasks, Food buffs, Etc. Maintain good attendance, we know as adults things can come up last minute but ask that you let us know as soon as possible to allow us to make accommodations.


We use a Loot Council system that will be taking into account all of the following in no particular order to determine how loot is distributed: Attendance, Preparedness (to include consumes, knowledge of encounters and mechanics),Performance both how it applies to the raid and individually, and BIS for class/spec.

Looking For:

Holy Paladin - HIGH
Resto Shaman- Low
Ele Shaman- Low
Enh Shaman- Medium
Resto Druid- Low

Casual non raiding members always welcome and could also help fill 10 mans or vacancies on a an as needed basis

Any questions please send one of us a message:

IG: Shinao Discord: Ronnoc#0677 IG: Talkurt

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