We are a group of friends (online/offline) that have been playing wow for years, we have been raiding since TBC all the way to Shadowlands, and moved to classic when it came out (went back to Retail to raid Castle Nathria) but gave up on retail and we settled on Classic TBC for good! Now we are looking for a new home for the long haul.
We are currently T4/preraid combo level geared, have done Karazhan and Gruul and are looking to join a Main core for 25man! We could also help start a new 10man core wherever we go!
The main reason we are looking for a new core, is basically our current core is too small for 2 teams of 25m and too big for 1 team of 25m, so most of the time we have no chance to join! And since P2 will be 25m focused we decided to move on!
We are : Warrior Protection (Dwarf) Warrior Fury (Gnome) Warlock Destro (Gnome) Priest Holy (Human)
Preferred Raiding Days/Time:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, from 8pm to 11pm EST, ideally 2 days a week.
Casual/Semi Hardcore
We are based on Heartseeker in the Alliance but we are willing to transfer to another realm! Ideally to a higher pop/active realm!
We also enjoy PvP and Arenas! But Raiding is our main activity!
We hope to find a new home for P2 and to help in any way we can and have fun with you all!
Lights Out [A] | Westfall - NA-PvE | Tues-Wed-Thu | 8pm - 11pm EST | Semi-Hardcore | Loot Council
About Us
We are a group of passionate gamers who value and respect our own and each other’s time. Our goal is to accomplish as much as possible while remaining speedy and efficient. Many of our members raided the original Burning Crusade and have extensive raiding experience throughout all of WoW’s expansions. Experience in our Officer core includes raiding in U.S top 100 guilds; clearing all of the original Burning Crusade content at the pre-health and damage nerf values Blizzard has promised.
Be prepared. Be accountable. Be reliable. Have fun.
Raid Schedule
We are a 3-Day Raiding guild with the following raid times;
Tu 8-11 EST
We 8-11 EST
Th 8-11 EST
If your class/spec is not listed above but you still feel you are a good fit for our team please feel free to visit www.lightsout.site to apply, gain access to our discord and read more about our guild and its expectations.
Boomers is a small alliance Whitemane (US) guild that is recruiting high quality players for TBC Classic. Right now we are looking to beef up our current 25 man squad. We have 3 groups full clearing Kara and Gruuls/Mag. (11/11 3/3)
Scheduled Raid Times:
Thurs / Fri 6-30PM - 930 PM PST
We do not expect people to raid with the guild outside these raid times. Raids are capped at 3 hours. As performance gets better we will maximize the clears.
Guild Goals:
Clear raids, get loot, and repeat. (There are definitely some sweaty players in this guild but for the most part we don’t care if you are casual, just carry your own weight)
Relive or experience all of the glorious content TBC has to offer!
Our main focus as a guild is pushing parses, and clearing content together in a sweaty, but fun environment (semi-hardcore).
If you’re at all interested feel free to add me on discord Jimbai#3231 We could definitely fit you all!
If you can ever make fri/sat 9-12 est work message me on discord : Mekk#4763 I’d love to chat with your team. We are a full clear team on Netherwind alliance.
Hey Buddy, might be a little late but here’s our info. Were super casual- 2 day 3 hour raids. our raid times work out well for east coast players that work late or have family duties during the early evening and are free at night. Let us know!! appreciate it man.
We can get all your friends in roster spots for 25m’s and 10m’s.
@Augiee 930 pm pst is too late for us! Thank you anyway!
@Mekki We can’t raid on Saturdays! I Appreciate your reply tho!
@Fayeius Your offer is very interesting and 5:30-8:30 works and the days could work too! I have a question about Phase 2 and your roster, since there won’t be any 10man raids during P2, are you planning on starting a 2nd 25m group, or gonna rotate players? Or still need to fill your 1st 25man group? I ask because one of the reasons we are leaving our current guild is because we have too many raiders for 1 group of 25man, thank you for your reply!
@Fayeius Your offer is very interesting and 5:30-8:30 works and the days could work too! I have a question about Phase 2 and your roster, since there won’t be any 10man raids during P2, are you planning on starting a 2nd 25m group, or gonna rotate players? Or still need to fill your 1st 25man group? I ask because one of the reasons we are leaving our current guild is because we have too many raiders for 1 group of 25man, thank you for your reply!