Updated 10/27/2022
Bacon N Kegs (BNK) is recruiting for Dragonflight! BNK remains true to its original purpose – having a good time while downing bosses. What’s important in BNK is the friendships we forge and the fun we have; boss kills and loot come after. With that being said, we have achieved AOTC every tier since Mists of Pandaria. Our raid team is a very diverse group with members gaming in the US, UK, Canada, SE Asia, Australia and more!
Raid Times:
Two days a week (Sat and Sun) 8AM to 11AM EST (5AM to 8AM PST)
Current Prog:
AOTC for Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, & Sepulcher of the First Ones
Recruiting: Open to all qualified applicants.
Discord @ Curtdiggler#4737