Axios was founded on the idea of enjoying the game. We began as a retail guild and still exist there today on Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re a friendly group of adults that are attempting to make our way through raiding content in a casual, drama free way.
To that end, we raid one night a week: Mondays from 7:30-11:30 eastern time. We plan to accomplish all relevant content within this time frame.
We are a guild that is just starting up for Classic TBC, though many members of the guild played when TBC was Retail, and thus, are familiar with the encounters.
Currently we have two Kara groups that are killing Prince, along with a High King kill. We are continuing progression on Gruul’s this coming Monday, along with setting aside time to make sure we get Prince kills every week for the time being.
We currently have a strong need for healers, a shadow priest, and a Boomkin, though we will consider any exceptional applicants.
Loot Distribution: Loot Council using RC Loot Council and BiS Lists
Raid Times: Monday - 7:30 PM - 11:30 PM Eastern Time
If you have any questions or are interested in joining please contact one of our officers: Curveball#1807 or Jambi#3706