Auxilio ab Alto on Thorium Brotherhood is looking to increase their ranks!
Aux has been around since the summer of 2006, and participated in such events like the opening of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj. Since then, we’ve felled bosses left and right before taking a short break in Cataclysm.
We’ve recently cleared Heroic Uldir and are gearing up for the next patch!
We raid Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday nights from 6:00pm - 9:00pm server time.
We are recruiting all classes.
Please note that not all members of this guild will be raiding. Admission to the guild does not guarantee being a part of the raiding team.
What we expect from our raiders:
-Know your class and spec up, down and sideways.
-Research the fights and watch videos. If the strat we’re trying doesn’t work, you can always suggest or discuss different ideas.
-Always come prepared. Have food in case a feast isn’t supplied, flasks, and be enchanted…
-Always be on time. If you sign up for a raid or activity on the in game calendar, be on time or be early. And if you’re going to be late, let someone know.
Current Raid Needs: Shaman (ele), Mage (arcane/fire), DK (dps)
Feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions or to get more information about applying.
Character -Emevas on Thorium Brotherhood
Discord - daydrop#3958
Discord would be the best way to get a hold of me during the day, other than that I’m usually online most nights and weekends.