[A] Atiesh <Talented> Recruiting for 25man Wrath

Talented is a new Alliance - US Atiesh guild looking to build a 25 man raid team for WotLK.

Our mission is to clear all achievement, hard mode, and heroic raid content.

What’s in it for you:

BIS, Mounts, Titles, Gold. Every member of the team will be rewarded for their effort and commitment. And you get to have a blast with your new buddies.

Note: Before you read on, we do want to let you know that, despite the (kinda) sweaty vibe, our main motivation is to have fun. In our experience with WoW raiding, the expectations laid out below are simply what it takes to realistically knock out the more challenging content and still have fun! We want to build an awesome guild community for some (kinda) sweaty GOATS. Know that these expectations are not what defines us. We just want to make it as clear as possible what we’re looking for.

What is expected:

First of all, we want people with good attitudes. We won’t let you be a wimp here in Talented. We expect everyone to be a team player. We literally depend on each other to have fun clobbering bosses and taking their stuff. Always remember that and be respectful of one another.

You will do your research. We require that every team member puts in the time to FULLY understand each and every boss before we set foot inside the raid. Lack of commitment in this aspect will be easily identified. We want people who do their homework. And only those people.

You prepare your gear/professions/consumables for raid readiness to the best of your ability. This means fully gemmed and enchanted. Professions maxed. If you don’t have full pre raid BIS, that’s ok (though effort must be made). But everything else is needed. That’s just how we roll.

We live or die as a team and that means we all respect each other’s time. Showing up for raids on time and ready to slap is how we do things here.

We are open and constructive in our suggestions about how to deal with raid encounters. We want to hear your ideas. That being said, strategy is better discussed before and after raid time (via Discord). If we are all familiar with the encounters (homework), there should be minimal discussion had during the raid about strategy. More time slapping, less time talking about it.

We do not waste time during raid time. Social discussion is permitted during trash pulls. Absolutely not permitted during boss encounters. This will be enforced. It’s for the best. That being said, we understand that there will be jokes or comments during progression. That is fine. We laugh and then get back to business.

Speaking of business, it is important that each member of the team understands that this is a mutually beneficial business relationship. Our purpose is to win. Our profit is BIS equipment. And yes, we’re here to have fun making it happen.

Who we are looking for TLDR:

You are a level-headed, goal-oriented, confident, team player, who wants bags full of purple pixels and glowy boss bonkers, and you’re prepared to make it happen. And hey, you might just have a blast at the same time.

Though we make an effort to frame things in a positive way here in Talented, there are some rules that need to be addressed:

  1. We absolutely will not tolerate rage, bad mouthing, shaming of any kind, or complaining. Leave your dook at the door. It’s not our dook and we don’t want it.

  2. No quitters. You’re either with us or you’re not. If you can’t handle the grind, don’t sign up. This primarily includes wiping on bosses. It takes what it takes, make no mistake.

  3. Keep it positive. Raiding can be challenging at times (duh, that’s why it’s fun). If we hit a wall, we regroup and we figure out what the solution is. It’s that simple.

  4. Make the guild look good. Wearing our badge means you’re representing us to everyone else on the server. It matters.

  5. Do not hog the space. If you’re the kind of person who never stops talking to the point where others can’t get a word in- this is not the place for you. That being said, socializing is encouraged. But it’s not socializing if one person never shuts up.

  6. Don’t touch the red button.

Lastly, we are a brand new guild. It will take some time to fill the roster so we ask that you are patient as we call in the other chads and sweaty egirls. (Ok, kinda sweaty, not super sweaty). In the possible event that we don’t have a full team by the time Naxx hits Wrath, we will move forward with raiding anyway, filling spots as needed till we round out the roster.

This is an exciting opportunity to break ground in a new organization aimed at becoming a (kinda sweaty) raid team.

We are also seeking persons with skills such as spreadsheets, recording logs, setting up discord and/or websites, video recording/editing (of our raids), raid leading, and guild officer responsibility.

Recuitment is currently open to all classes and specializations. Tanks and Healers are obviously a priority.

Loot system: To be determined.

The Raid Schedule:

Tue/Wed/Thu, 8:00pm-11:00pm PST

Optional weekend raids may be considered in the future.

Contact Info:
Game- Silverbags
Discord- Megaman#6938
Warcraft Logs: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/667121

Concerning logs: Logs are not required for application to the guild at this time. If you have logs and want to link them to us, please do!

The password is GOAT.