[A-Atiesh] Crazy Re-Roll Train

Hey there everyone!

I’ve been playing WoW Classic since it launched last summer, started way back in Vanilla even and played into Cata. I’ve been a member, class leader, officer, and a GM in my playing time and there is little I probably haven’t seen. I’m a rather open, easygoing individual with a good bit of cheekiness thrown in. While I play this game to experience (and reminisce) in its end game content, I also enjoy the social aspect of it. Whether it’s questing, running around in dungeons, or pouring blood and sweat and frustration into a progression raid - I love doing it alongside friends.

That said, I’m looking for people who feel the same about the game as I do. Who’d be willing to chat over the next week or so to get a feel for one another and hopefully come together to create something great.

Servers and Faction

We will be putting this together on the Atiesh US West server on the Alliance side. I recently have just rolled a character here, NE Priest by the name of Eritha.

Guild Focus

To put together a casual/semi-hardcore raiding guild that will aim for end game content. Casual in the sense that members will not be required to come to raids flasked and buffed; nor will contributions to the guild bank be necessary to have a raiding spot. Semi-hardcore in the sense that you when you come to raid, you will give it your all every time to eventually get our raid times down so we can accomplish MC & BWL in a single night.

Guild Environment

A place where people can enjoy playing the game with one another and create friendships. Where we come together and foster a mature environment free of religion and politics.


This for the most part will take time to develop. As the amount of Officers we have will he dependant on guild size and needs. These positions will be given to those who show there dedication to the guild along with there WoW expertise. That said, depending on the interest I may need a couple officers right from the get go. So if you are interested, please let me know so we can have some in-depth conversations as I want us to always strive to be of the same mindset!


I can’t say when this would start. Depending on how many of us hit 60 roughly the same time will determine how we progress. Ideally, once we have 15 60’s I’d like us to ‘host’ a progression pug MC/Ony on a weekly basis (this could also be said for ZG when we hit 5 60’s). As we gain more 60’s in guild we will filter out the pugs with our own members till we have our core 40. Should we grow past that, we will then look at creating a second progression team. Should we get to the point of having Alts, they will have their own raid night once every two weeks. Where the remainder spots will be pugged to fill what is needed.

Loot System

As for how loot will be handled, I’m more leaning towards a bidding type DKP system with an added flare of receiving bonuses upon hitting lvl 60 with your toon, donating to the guild bank, first boss kills, just to name a few. This should mitigate the hoarding problem with DKP as well as give newer raiders a more even playing field.

Raiding Times

I’m thinking 7pm server time to start. Raids will then run till 10pm server time. Days will be determined by majority availability.


As a re-roll, we will be needing everything. In a ideal world I hope we can get 2-4 who will roll tanks right off the bat along with healers to pair with them; to then have the DPS to fill. But again, as a re-roll, this is your chance to roll a toon you felt like you wanted to play but haven’t had the chance to.


If you are interested in this venture, please feel to drop a reply below. I’ll be checking in a few times a day. You can also get a hold of me through discord KDoll#3051. The app is, majority of the time, always open on my cell. Just let me know you came across this crazy plan of mine and what your thoughts are :slight_smile:


Sounds like a good plan. I think I may roll a Mage as I have never tanked or healed at higher levels, and wouldn’t want to bring the group down.

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I’m an experienced tank, and I look forward to bringing the group down. Hooray!



I sent you a friend request on Discord. I am also interested in this, but I do have a few questions I look forward to talking with you.