[A] Aq40 Geared rogue LF new home and guild


Due to a new work schedule for the foreseeable future I am in search for a new raiding guild for Naxxramas and into TBC.

I am looking to transfer from a East Coast PvP server to any West Coast servers which fit my new schedule with the time difference. I am looking for any guild that starts around 8-9pm on weekdays (11-12pm My time), has decent clear times and a good community. Alternatively, I am also available for morning raiding. It is unfortunate I have to leave my RL friends and my current guild because of this so I’m looking for the right fit.

I have played WoW since vanilla, and raided a bit into Naxx then. I have also raided TBC, WotLK, Cata and Legion. I consider myself to be a dependable and consistant raider and I’m quite competitive. I am mature and have a full time job. I come to all raids with consumes, buffs and everything else required of me to be successful. I am currently working on prepping for Naxx.

I am happy to chat with anyone if they have any openings for a rogue. I can transfer and be ready for raids as early as next week (This being the last with my current guild). Please leave me a way to contact you down below if you think I would be a good fit! Logs and armory available upon request.

Thank you for taking some time to check this post out, best of luck out there.

Hi Justface! I am the guild leader of < Zug N Tug > and I am interested in hearing from you! Despite our raid times not perfectly lining up with your ideal times, I wanted to let you know a little about us.

Here is our current raid schedule:
Naxx - Wed/Thurs 6:30-10pm server.
AQ40 - Sunday 6:30-10pm server.
BWL - Monday 6:30-10pm server.

We are primarily seeking competent and competitive melee dps for our Naxx team, but we do offer AQ40 and BWL as posted above. Sunday and Monday raids seldom take until 10pm, as we finish earlier.

We are a community focused raid guild that emphasizes on efficiency and progress. Please see warcraftlogs to see our clear times and rankings! I would be more than happy to chat in discord. You can PM me in discord Macbro1996#1366. We hope to hear from you soon!