Hey I recently jumped to Greymane and I realize looking at WoW progress this isn’t the most active raiding server in the world but would like to see if anyone is recruiting. I’m 11/11 n and 5/11 h. Jumped from my old guild because of the atmosphere so looking for a good group with a good culture. Most important part. I can play any role - on Greymane I have a Paladin and Warlock and can focus on whatever the group needs if it feels right. Let me know. Floppytossum#1662 or discord is FleecyThaFlerpy #4748 let me know.
We run a long time Heroic guild if you are still looking for a place. We raid weekends 7:45 - 10:30 Sat/Sun. Currently just finished normal and are 1/11H. I send you a btag request OneBadMutha#11888.
Hi Flerpyderpy! If you’re open to transferring servers, we are Volatile on Llane-Arygos and looking for a warlock. Our raid times are Fri/Sat 10p-1a EST and currently 9/11H. If interested to chat, please add: vcrownwen#1282 and mabelle#1433. Thanks!