[A] <Ante Meridiem> AOTC Wed/Thurs 7-10pm EST

LFM AOTC raiders!! Come join the fun!

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Holidays are over, come join the team for AOTC raiding!!!

Interested. Havoc DH / 482 ilvl / 9/9H - Kamaerra#1407

Request sent

Hi Good morning! I am interested :slight_smile: My bnet is mental1973#1401 Would love to hear from you!

My apologies on the delay, if you are still interested my bnet is chariss#1795 friend me and lets chat!!! have an amazing day.

Still looking for a few more to round out our team. My BTAG is above, send me a request!! Have a great day all!

AOTC minded players that need a long term home/team, reach out to me. We have several spots available. Add me to friends to discuss my btag is chariss#1795.

This guild is the best hands down!