[A] Animosity is recruiting new members for Heroic raiding and Mythic +

Hello Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord Community,

Animosity is a longstanding guild of community players. We are recruiting new members to enjoy the game with us. Patch 8.1.5 is a great time to join!

Animosity maintains over a decade long reputation as a quality guild experience, exhibited throughout Vanilla, BC, WoTLK, Cata, MoP, Warlords, Legion, and now Battle for Azeroth.

As a guild, we emphasize focus on our personal goals for our characters, but our social goals collectively. We are active between 8pm and 1am every night of the week, with various activities including Mythic dungeons, Battlegrounds, World questing and PVP, and guild raiding currently on Saturday evening (main raid) and Sunday evening (alt raid).

Recently, Animosity earned the Ahead of the Curve Achievement for a Heroic Jaina kill. We continue to make progress into Mythic, and look forward to continue earning AOTC in Dazar’alor for more members!

If you have an interest in joining us for a great time, and some fantastic shenanigans, add me or send me an in game mail to Piratejimm-Azgalor. If you are considering transferring servers, you may add my battletag id: Piratejimm#1130



Guild Leader of Animosity