(A) Aman/Dath/Khaz New Guild Synergi Recruitment


We want to build a community of Mature gamers, Most of our members will have the intention too clear the harder content in WoW. Our main goal, is to progress through raid content with a light schedule and a no-nonsense mindset. High level PvE will be our focus, Raiding/Mythic Plus and members will be encouraged to participate in these events. It is important to note that 20-man raid rosters are hard to fill, it will take some time so please have patience and encourage our leaders.

It is towards the end of the season, so realistically looking for all to fill a roster for War Within, we will be keeping busy with heroic and Mythic Plus while our roster fills out and build some synergy while we await the next expansion.

While Our raid times Are not set and may change, will be aiming for and in between:

Wednesday: 7:30PM ST - 10:30PM ST
Thursday: 7:30PM ST - 10:30PM ST

We are looking for

Raiders who enjoy the game and can dedicate At least 2 nights a week with the goal Mythic prog
Raiders who can attend our raid nights with near perfect attendance (We understand real life is more important, just let us know if you cannot make raid with enough notice)
Raiders who want a positive and constructive raid environment and are able to learn from mistakes quickly and desire to build a team that functions together.
M+ Casuals and pushers and just generally people who want fun and good banter.



Prepared relaxed raid atmosphere that enjoys banter during trash but is focused for
bosses. No toxicity/elitism.
Having strategies planned for each encounter and communicating these strategies to everyone.
Cultivating and encouraging a relaxed environment for everyone.
Providing constructive feedback in a timely manner.
Taking everyone’s suggestions into consideration (outside of raid time unless asked during raids).
Be open to player feedback.


Come to raid with knowledge and understanding of the raid, and specifically, boss mechanics.
Be online 15 minutes prior to set time so we can start raid on time.
Be confident and competent at your spec/class
Be open to feedback
Phials / Raid Consumables (Heal Potions, Runes, armor kits etc)

All Roles are needed as this is a New Guild, New players and veterans wanted.

Tank: Low
Healer: High
Ranged DPS: High
Melee DPS: High


If you are interested in joining us on our adventures, please reach out to:

Battlenet: Chappers#1791
Discord: Chappers1989

Just putting it out there but if you want to collaborate with Anarchy inc to fill the 20 roster. We are a AOTC guild but clearing H too quickly so some are intetested in tabbing into Mythic pro.

Our raid times are 7.45-9.45ST but will change to 7.30 during non daylight savings. Currently Thu and Sun but I am sure we can chat to see if Wed would work.

Contact me if you are interested zwirbel#1679

Still Recruiting:

Raid Leader - 9/9 Heroic Experienced or More

Tank: Low
Healer: High
Ranged DPS: High
Melee DPS: High


If you are interested, please contact:

Battlenet: Chappers#1791
Discord: Chappers1989