[A] Alliance Guild - World Famous

World Famous (Classic) is a New Zealand based Alliance guild (with a huge and growing Aussie contingent). In BFA we are still going strong on Aman’Thul. As many of our players levelled PVP the first time we have instead made a PVE guild on Remulos so we can just enjoy the game and Flag if want to.

Atm in Classic we are looking at being a levelling and dungeon guild but have very good players and momentum atm so this will expand to raiding in the future.

If you are looking for a mature stable guild no matter if you play lots or a little, if you like alts or don’t, or you are into trade skills we have people like you on each day.

We have almost 600 members and around 3-40 online during the evenings. Chat is active and supportive and groups form all the time. All members can invite.

you forgot to mention the actual guild name, and which faction.

wait… the guild is called world famous? ughh ok my bad.

Like L&P World Famous in New Zealand. Kiwis get the joke. Well truthfully maybe older ones do not sure on younger ones lolz.