World Famous (Classic) is a New Zealand based Alliance guild (with a huge and growing Aussie contingent). In BFA we are still going strong on Aman’Thul. As many of our players levelled PVP the first time we have instead made a PVE guild on Remulos so we can just enjoy the game and Flag if want to.
Atm in Classic we are looking at being a levelling and dungeon guild but have very good players and momentum atm so this will expand to raiding in the future.
If you are looking for a mature stable guild no matter if you play lots or a little, if you like alts or don’t, or you are into trade skills we have people like you on each day.
We have almost 600 members and around 3-40 online during the evenings. Chat is active and supportive and groups form all the time. All members can invite.