Seeking solid DPS players for Sanctum of Domination progression.
Mage & Death Knight are our highest priority for classes. But wanting more DPS as a whole.
All exceptional applicants of all classes will be considered.
Raids are Friday & Saturday, Start 7:00PM Central to Soft-End 10:30PM Central.
Soft-End means folks that need to head out can head out and the rest will vote to continue or not.
We finished Heroic Castle Nathria in roughly 6-7 weeks.
We are an Ahead of the Curve Guild and currently do not have plans for Mythic Progression.
We plan to clear Sanctum in a similar amount of time, and will continue to reclear week to week.
We’ve got a fantastic group of people here and I am sure you’d make a fine addition!
You can apply by messaging the contacts listed below.
Battletag: Shipman#11769 & Ahzie#11532
Discord: Shipman#4473 & ahzie#5181
Good luck and have fun out there!