Seeking awesome people for Sanctum of Domination and the future!
We’re 10/10H and reclearing regularly. Looking for folks interested in casual Mythic.
Intending to kill a few early bosses in Mythic every tier for some gear.
Our plans for the Guild going forward is to achieve Ahead of the Curve each tier.
With some early Mythic to keep things fresh and people interested.
Add Violence is not a Hardcore, Cutting Edge Guild.
We provide a stress free environment and friendly atmosphere.
We encourage folks to play what class/role they enjoy.
No attendance policy, we only ask to be informed of an absence in advance.
Attendance Policy is something that may change as we enter Mythic more regularly.
Add Violence raids Weekends! Friday & Saturday 7:00PM - 10:30PM Central.
Raiding with Friends is how we choose to spend our weekend.
It’s something we look very much forward to.
Always looking for more people interested in Mythic+.
You can expect daily M+ of all levels, regular transmog runs & achievement runs here.
As well as the current Raid Glory each tier after Heroic Progression as celebration.
Add Violence has grown exponentially in the last year and we’d love to have you.
If you see yourself as a good fit you can contact us via, Discord or In-Game!
Battletag: Shipman#11769 & Ahzie#11532
Discord: Shipman#4473 & ahzie#5181
In-game: Shipman & Ahzie
We hope to hear from you!