Good day to you all
First off I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this post.
In recent years I have not had much luck find a long term home in WOW. I have played since release and have been part of all types of guilds from server first to super casual non raiding, been in many positions from raid lead/heal lead to scrub newbie.
At the start of BFA was in a huge catch everyone guild, was one of the first to level to max first to get exalted rep done, highest level Neck but yet I was not able to raid based on my guild rank, as I had just recently returned from a haitus from the game during legion due to guild melt down on my server. A real life friend suggested I come to stormrage and join the guild he was a member of, thought great get a chance to raid which is what I loved to due since vanilla. I forked out the cash transferred over 2 toons and started, 3 weeks later more drama a guild that can easily bring 30 people start cutting numbers down to 17 or less to raid to make it easier on the core team, this never made sense to me, you have mythics for the core heroics should be a place to learn if new and still be a challenge for the most part for the rest, so I was in a place I could still raid but once we hit Zul half the raid was sent packing, I could only manage to do 2 more weeks of this and thought BFA has nothing left for me outside of looking for a better guild. I left WoW, played a lot of PS4 and other PC games to fill my gaming time, spent some more time with my wife and dogs without commitment to a raiding schedule was a nice change of pace…
Coming back for the new Xpac since I still enjoy the game, the guild imploded which I saw coming and now they do not raid, the core of the core left, I had a little chuckle when I check the member left area of wow progress for the guild. This has been my story for the past while in wow, I strongly feel that this game is so much better when you find the right place to play, enjoy the time of others and share you laughter and your tears at those pesky 1% wipes. If you have made it through to this part of the post then maybe you have a community of people that enjoy the game are not totally elitist and might have a spot for a wandering soul looking for a home to join. I have not left guild yet perks are nice for the day to day grind and stops bots from spamming
So I brought to Stormrage 2 alliance toons, A paladin which has been my alliance main forever and a warlock(not very geared yet Ilvl350ish low level neck 25)
I used a combination of askmrrobot and pawn to optimize the gear I currently have, not changing traits on the highest level gear till I find a place to call home and a spec needed.
Prot ilvl 376 holy ilvl 370 ret ilvl 377
My neck is currently 35
I mostly run around the world in prot believe before I left tanked every mythic dungeon not done M+ this season, I have raided mostly holy subbed in prot when needed and very little time with ret but could easily figure it out
I live on the west coast of canada, so I am 3 hours behind server time, 49 years old and self employeed work mostly from home. I am looking for a community that dabbles in everything while having fun but can get focus and progress, my view has relaxed over the years so I am happy to clear heroic content now and play around in mythic, I do not want wow to become another job again
I again thank you for your time and consideration and if you have any questions for me feel free to ask here or in discord my tag is Robilar#4326 and btag is Robilar#1610