Hello! There is a handful of us looking to raid with another group at least 1 or 2 nights a week at 730pm PST or later. Not looking for anything serious or CE. Not really interested in Mythic raiding. Don’t have time for that seriousness anymore.
Looking for fun, relaxed group that gets it done! In the past we’re typically AOTC and run our own group, but RL happens and frankly we’re too lazy to rebuild.
Currently all 10/10N, and then most have experience in heroic CN up to 3/10H to 10/10H. Must be Alliance.
Prot Pal ilvl 200
Holy Pal ilvl 203
H/DPS Sham ilvl 216
Lock ilvl 185 (rerolled from H Druid)
DPS ele Sham ilvl 203
Leave a msg below if interested!