[A] 7/9H Destro Lock Transfer LF Raiding Guild

I recently got back into WoW a month or two ago, I’ve stayed in my current realm since Vanilla and haven’t had the heart to move on-- but I think it’s time. I haven’t played since WoD but I pick up things fairly quickly. I am also into PvP and these days I’m more competitive than I was back then-- be it pvp or in pve. Currently 1700cr in 2s & 3s. LF partners still. Darkspear is one of the servers I am looking to transfer to. If you would like me in roster please feel free to add me: Marc#13264


  • cute. snapchat ready
  • #1 lock in every situation-- ish
  • dig bick energy. it fits tho


Let me know if you find a new realm. I’m looking for about the same thing.

Heals here! :slight_smile: