(A) 4/8 Dads In Reeboks Recruiting

Dads In Reeboks is currently looking for members to join our Raid / Mythic+ team.
We are currently 8/8 N 4/8 H
Currently consisted of old AOTC achievers that have started families and have more responsibilities than we did before. Even though we’re serious about our raiding and progression, we understand that other responsibilities come first. We’re looking for players that understand and have similar interest.
Most players are in there 30s, age wise.
We raid on Thursdays at 9pm Server / 8pm Central. On Dalaran (Alliance).
If we can, we also raid on Sundays at the same time.
Send me a message if you’re interested in joining our raid team!

Hey! I’m interested. Mature, competent player seeking a fun group to consistently raid with. Hit me up in game, would love to chat more!

Dads only? How about moms?

Mom’s are welcome!

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Feel free to add me as well if interested! Tix#1723