[A] 423 Ret Pally Looking to Raid in 8.3

My guild (Hallow 9/9H 3/9M BoD) blew up after BoD. I took a break and am back for 8.3. I am a long time raider and certified altaholic. I have a significant number of toons both factions almost all of which are level 120. My preferred raiding toon is my Ret Paladin (currently 423 ilvl) and I can off-tank as well (ilvl 422).

I am looking for a semi-serious (“mediumcore”) heroic/mythic progression raiding team. The best times for me are evenings PST (after 6:30 pm) weekdays and anytime on the weekend. I will fit in best with a mature group that is willing to work hard to progress and has fun together but actively avoids drama and juvenile behavior (I am an older fellow and get enough of that from my kids). Guilds that sacrifice fun and mutual respect for progression are not my cup of tea.

If you want more information about my experience, feel free respond to this post and I will endeavor to answer quickly.

Hello Linawen,

Soup Kitchen might be a good fit for you. We do not raid mythic, however we do push for the AOTC of every raid. Like you we took a break for 8.2 and Eternal Palace but are coming back for 8.3 and beyond. We are looking for DPS. If you would like to talk further let me know. Thriskits#1256

If you are still looking for a guild my guild sounds like a great place for you. We are currently working toward getting a full raid squad for 8.3 and doing heroics for now till shadowlands. Then we plan on doing mythic progression. Raids are 8pm -11pm pst server on thurs and sat. We are an adult group were drama is not welcome. We like to joke and have a good time and just enjoy playing the game.

Hello there fellow gamer

Are you interested in joining a multi gaming community that plays more then World of Warcraft? Offers much more then just come on and PvE or PvP types of gaming? Looking for lots of different members over lots of different games?

Well come and check out Evolved

In the World of Warcraft Alliance side of things on proudmoore we can offer

Leveling, Questing and Dungeons
Lots of members are always making new toons and leveling through questing and dungeons. Some times thats all they do and thats perfect. We want Evolved to be a place where you come and play with lots of different types of WoW players.

Mythic Plus
Looking to challenge your self with some higher end Dungeons through the mythic plus system. We have lots of great people that do this all the time… Getting plus 10 keys for our members through out the week. Also always willing to help out and teach you the ins and outs of a dungeons. All you have to do is ask

Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 6pm - 8pm PST with an optional extra hour on Fridays and Saturdays. We also have 2 different raid groups that progress through Normal and Heroic content getting AOTC before the next raid tier.

Always looking for Tanks and Healers with Offspec. As well as any DPS class!!

We also have an Open raid for all members of Evolved. This is where we take a small step back and give back to our community to the members that don’t like to do progression style raiding. This all happens on Sundays around 5pm pst.

Need More Info
Feel free and message our recruitment officer if you have any questions at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700. You can also do a /who Evolved and whisper any member to talk to an officer.

You can also check out evolvedgaming .org for more information!

We also have a Horde sister guild on Area 52, Elder Scrolls Online, FFXIV, and various other games such as Wow Classic Horde (Whitemane), Apex Legends, Anthem, Overwatch, Boarder lands 3, Division 2, and more! If you enjoy playing different games and staying with the same community, Evolved might be the perfect home for you!!

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