Straight to the point, leave your spam and contact info
With cross realm mythic available, I’d like to look for a new guild to possibly further my progression and experience. I don’t have the best of logs, but I bring my best and play it safe, I also have 2 other healers I’m gearing up to par.
Always looking to improve
tues wed thur 7:30-10:30 pacific 6/9 Mythic 17 % Mekka dishonored#11140
Elevenfold [A] Stormrage
We are a 3 day per week progression orientated mythic raiding guild. Currently 8/9M BOD and 8/8 CE uldir and seeking exceptional dps ,1 healer (pref resto shaman, priest, paladin).
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST
Our goal is to push CE as quickly as we can on a reasonable raid schedule. Outside of mythic progression, we are active in other activities such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc. We run a lean raid roster and do not recruit for the bench, all needs are for core raid positions.
Current recruitment needs:
High priority : 1 healer (non druid) , exceptional dps (leather melee, non-hunter ranged)
We strive to provide a quality progression orientated raid environment, if you are interested in joining the team you can submit an application here:
https:// bit .ly/2UbfYYl
For any questions please contact:
Oblvnxknight#1712 (btag) or oblvnxknight#6331 (disc)
Hey, I’m the GM of Tempo.
Tempo is a dedicated CE pushing guild looking to add to the depth of our roster. We’re looking for players who are determined to push content with a positive mature attitude.
Progression : 7/9M, 9/9H
Our raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10PM-1AM CST.
Loot : RC Loot Council.
Any exceptional healer or DPS is welcome to apply
What’s expected:
- A positive attitude
- Able to take constructive criticism to always improve and adjust accordingly on the fly.
- Flasks and food buffs are provided, bringing your own pots is mandatory.
- Must always be punctual with your attendance 15 mins prior to raid time. Notifying an officer in case you cannot make it is also acceptable but must maintain at least a 95% attendance.
- Not making consistent errors (We are all human, we’re just looking for things not to be a reoccurring problem).
For further questions, please contact myself or Zhuyan in-game.
Bnet: #Broseficus1204, Mattoman0#1803
App link -
Looking for a strong healer for our team. Lets chat and see if we’re a good fit.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord
Liberty and Allegiance - Proudmoore-US [A] 6/9M Recruiting!
We’re an established guild of chill adults who have been raiding together since HFC. We have two mythic teams pushing to get cutting edge, and one heroic team, and we’re always looking for great players to add to our roster.
K Team:
Raid Times: M/Tu/W 8-11pm PST
Progression: 6/9M, 9/9H
Current Needs: Mage, Warlock, Ele Sham, Veng DH
JC Team:
Raid Times: Sa/Su 7-11pm PST
Progression: 6/9M, 9/9H
Current Needs: Tank, MW Monk, Disc and/or Holy Priest, DPS Shammy w/ Resto off spec, and any exceptional player
X Team (Heroic Team):
Raid Times: Tues/Weds 9-11pm PST
Progression: 8/9H, 9/9N
Current Needs: MW Monk, Resto Shammy, Holy Pally, Any exceptional DPS
All three teams will consider any exceptional applicants
What we expect from you:
- You must come to raid prepared to kill the boss with enough knowledge of the fight that you should be able to raid lead it.
- You must have a working mic and be able to talk on discord.
- You must transfer to Proudmoore to be on the team (if on a different server and cross realm mythic is open, you are allowed to come for 1 lockout then transfer).
Apply at: la-gaming.enjin. com/recruitment
Contact us: (contact both for the team you’re applying to)
K Team
- Khazad#6158 (@Gal#3537 Discord)
- Falstar#1926 (@Falstar#2961 Discord)
JC Team
- Gris#1272 (@Gris#9036 Discord)
X Team
- Outbreakx#1931 (@Oreo#3392 Discord)
- Chael#1951 (@Stilken#2374 Discord)