[A] 400 ilvl MW LFG w/ AOTC

I’m looking for a MYTHIC / Heroic guild, thats semi-hardcore. I can raid Mon-Thurs 7-1am est. Please let me know a bit about your guild and leave your discord or bnet. I also have aotc for boda.

I will provide logs / more info upon request!

LOOKING FOR POPULATED SERVERS ONLY! ie. Sargeras, Proudmoore, stormrage, dalaran etc.

[A]<Storm> Sargeras 8/8M(CE) 1/9M 8/9H BoD is recruiting!

<Storm> is an alliance mythic raiding guild located on Sargeras US. Originally formed in late 2004 on Gilneas, the guild was later transferred to Sargeras for recruitment purposes. We consider ourselves semi-hardcore while clearing content at a pace acceptable to the guild leadership. We are an adult guild primarily with average ages ranging from 20-30s range. Our atmosphere is primarily laid back for farm but serious during progression. We expect every member to have researched their class / spec / encounters etc. and make quick adjustments to ensure lower pull counts.

-Raid Times-
Main Raids: Tue - Wed - Thurs 7p-10p CST or 8p-11p EST.
Optional / Not required: Mon - 7p-10p CST or 8p-11p EST (fluid).

-Recruitment Needs-
Tank: Closed - Low priority
Melee: Shaman, DH - Low priority
Ranged: Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Boomkin, Shaman - High Priority
Healer: Shaman / any exceptional - High Priority

-BFA Progression-
Battle of Dazar’alor - 1/9M 8/9H 9/9N

Uldir, the Halls of Control - 8/8M 8/8H (CE)

-Legion Progression-
Antorus the Burning Throne - 11/11M (CE)
Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M
Nighthold - 10/10M (CE)
Trial of Valor - 2/3M
Emerald Nightmare - 7/7M (CE)

-Raiding Requirements-
18 years of age or older
Working Mic / Ability to communicate in raids via Discord
Previous Mythic Raiding Experience
Consistent Main Raid Attendance
Semi-quick learning curve / Mechanics Execution
Positive attitude / Willingness to want to be in the raid
Heart of Azeroth Neck Level 35+

-Application Process-
<Storm> requires a short application and discord interview before joining the guild for a trial.

The application can be found here: h ttps://tinyurl.com/yasv9jam

We typically review applications 2-3 times per week. If you do not receive a response back within 1 week of applying, assume your application was declined or cancelled.

-Valid Contact Points-
Panhu#11240 (BNET) - GM
Panhu#0477 (Discord)
Rynzler#11268 (BNET) - Raid Lead
Rynzler#2573 (Discord)

Salt Factory [8/8M Uldir - 1/9M BFD]


   Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.

      While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild. 

What you can expect from us :

  • Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
  • Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
  • A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds

What we expect from you :

  • Reliability
  • Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
  • Ability to adapt quickly
  • Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
  • Genuine commitment
  • Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!


Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]

PROGRESSION (during content) :

  • T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
  • T19 - US#96
  • T18 - US#165
  • T17 - US#119
  • T16 - US#136
  • T15 - US#94

TO APPLY VISIT : goo.gl/forms/tfdRupd7SFyMPjO53

Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!

Officer Contact info :

GM : Bnet - Kisshot#1230
Recruitment Officer : Bnet - Tida#1933

[H] Convergence - 8/8M Uldir

[At this time, we are only considering those who are at least 5/8M]
(If you’d rather apply on an application - bit.ly/2qIxR4p)

Tuesday 6-9pst
Wednesday 6-9pst
Thursday 6-9pst

T18 HFC - US 131
EN - US 141
ToV - US 88
T19 NH - US 51
T20 ToS - US 77
T21 Ant - US 81
T22 Uldir - US 187

Located on Kil’Jaeden horde, Convergence is a mythic raiding guild driven by the idea that progression is a product of efficiency not volume. We are firm believers in the idea that a short raid schedule and success in mythic raiding are not mutually exclusive. Our schedule is a strict 9 hours per week and we will not add a day under any circumstance.

We are looking for skilled players who share the same ambition of clearing content in timely fashion but might not have the time to dedicate 4 or 5 nights to that goal. With such a short raid schedule, it is imperative that our team comes prepared to maximize our efficiency. In addition, our guild is very active outside of our scheduled raid hours with M+, alt runs and PvP.

For any inquiries please contact:

  • keelem#1278
  • Shanarru67#1523
  • Rueful#1619

South Bank Satellites> 7/8M Uldir 1/9M BOD 7/8H

Strong experienced core group with multiple realm firsts. We are achieved realm first Argus on mythic and plan to continue this into Uldir! Good raiding atmosphere, laid back but with a focus on progression. Active members always eager to help.

Recruitment Needs
Currently recruiting all classes and specs to expand our raid roster for our 20M weekday raid! We are looking for passionate individuals who want to progress twice a week. We raid because we love the game and want to find like-minded people. We believe in team play and solid individual performance. While your raiding resume might be cool, we care more about attitude, what you can do in the moment, and what you bring to every single raid night, than your past accomplishments.

7/7 M EN
3/3 M TOV (Realm First)
10/10 M NH (Realm First)
9/9M TOS
11/11M Antorus (Realm First)
7/8M Uldir

*Raid Times
Days: Tuesday / Thursday
Times: 8:30 pm -12:00 am (EST)

High Need
Ranged DPS!
Possibly a tank

We are always looking for any classes that can perform and is not listed above.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Contact Info
BNET: Psycro#1619
BNET: Xaphel#1858

Hello, we’re looking at adding a MW to our healer core, would love to chat and see if we’re a good fit.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517

Tranquil was formed with the sole intention of completing mythic content in a efficient matter. Our raiding core is comprised of several former top 150 US raiders, through friends that have raided together through different expansions, and our guild leadership is made of experienced raiders that work towards running an efficient raiding environment.

Our Raid times

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 8pm ET to 11pm ET

Sunday(optional) 8pm ET to ~ 9:30pm ET

We will be using Sundays as a heroic clear day for sales, gearing alts for various progression reasons, and to relax and have some fun.

What we expect from you

  • Show up prepared: food, flasks, enchants, gems, etc. Have a backup in case you miss a feast or cauldron.
  • Knowing the mechanics of the fight and have the appropriate WeakAuras before zoning in.
  • Keep up-to-date with discord discussions – especially the strategy channels
  • Keep up-to-date with your chosen class – different utilities or abilities to help make a fight simple is helpful.
  • Be open to constructive criticism. We’re human, we make mistakes, and we work together for a common goal. Making a mistake in a video game is ok – hiding it, or getting overly defensive when confronted by it, is not.
  • Banter during trash is fine, We expect it to be dialed back when we’re in the middle of a pull.
  • If you don’t know – ASK. Asking if you don’t know is always better than dying because you didn’t know.

We will always be looking for exceptional players to better our community and raid environment. Must provide Logs and Past Cutting edge raiding experience.

apply here Tranquilguild.com

  • Battle tag
  • Discord

Hey there!

Would love to speak to you further! Our raids are 9-12pm EST on Zul’jin Horde Side and we are looking for a skilled Monk for a Core spot in our Mythic team. We did 9/9N and 6/9H first week without or main healer. Got 9/9H our second week. If you would consider a transfer to Zul’jin, feel free to get in touch with any questions my tags are below!

Guild/Server: Heck - Zul’jin Horde

Raid Days/Times : Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00PM - 12AM EST Current Progression: 9/9H 9/9N (8/8M Uldir leadership)

Recruitment Contacts: @Sinnahti#6784 on Discord | Sinnahti#1932 on BNET

Requirements: Ability to perform on both your class and mechanically at a high level, able to take criticism, desire to improve, and most importantly a good attitude.

Needs: Healers ( MW Monk , Resto Druid or Resto Shaman ), RDPS ( Hunter , Ele Shaman, Warlock,Boomkin ), MDPS ( **WW Monk **, Warrior, or Rogue ).

All exceptional apps are considered, and also looking for solid dps with healer offspecs. Socials are welcome!

Still looking… No horde guilds, sorry.