Greetings and salutations potential new friend(s)!
I currently play an Alliance Enhancement Shaman in spite of the lack of polish the class / spec has received since this expansion began. I have played Elemental in previous expansions and am currently cobbling together a gear set that may permit me to do it again as a viable off-spec.
For the past 5 months I have been without a guild to call my own but it has not stopped me from helping out my former guild as they progressed through Mythic Uldir and up to Normal Dazar’alor. Sadly the time has come for me to head out and find a more permanent solution / home.
I would describe myself as quiet, polite and attentive. I tend to keep to myself and am not the type to be disruptive. I come prepared to raid and can be counted to be the type that can play my class/spec without hand holding. I would like to add that while my demeanor may come across as meek that does not mean I want to be brushed to the side or outright ignored. I am not here as a warm body to fill in your raid quota. My former guild had a nasty tendency to treat me as a means to and end instead of an actual human being and I am not looking to jump into a similar situation ever again.
I am looking for an active guild with members that are going to treat me with the same level of respect as I will give them. Your guild’s progress, or lack thereof, is inconsequential to me. I would much rather be in a guild progressing through Normal Dazar’alor, but treats me like a valued member than a Mythic one that will forget all about me once my trial period is complete.
Honestly there is so much I would like to say here but am unsure of what information you might find pertinent. That said, I think I will stop here and let you ask any questions you might have for me.
To summarize;
- I am melee
- I am Alliance
- I would like to raid 1 to 3 days out of the week
- I would like to continue to play on a WEST coast server
- My preferred raid times are 6 PST or later
Are you still interested? If so then I can’t wait to talk to you in person some time soon! I work most afternoons and am available in the evenings (PST).
Here is my information;
- Discord: Mauricio#0821
- Battle Tag: mauricio#1685
- Logs: warcraftlogs .com/character/id/21555244#difficulty=3
I am still on the lookout for the perfect guild. I have met a lot of nice people over the past few weeks but unfortunately could not make it work because they were either on Central / East coast servers or they raided at times that weren’t convenient for me.
I tend to accept a handful of Discord or Bnet invites at a time and talk to as many people as I can before I trail a guild out. If you added me but I never got back to you, please try again!