[A] 390 Fury LF PST or weekend guild

Greetings, friends!
My work hours are changing and I’m looking for a relaxed group of folks who might be able to work with my odd hours.
I’m trying to find a PST night group. Mayhaps a late night EST group?
My end of work times vary based on the amount of work we have. Lately I can get out as early as 8 pm, but it usually falls around 8:30 pm PST.
If you’re fine with me being a bit late, but still show up, I can do just that on weekdays.
Weekends are my days off so if you’re a weekend group drop me your times and we can see what I can make.

I’m very malleable with group skill levels, but I’m not looking to get stressed out in my favorite game.
I’m a little behind with gear, but I can put in the effort as long as you’re willing to have me.
Just looking to try to find a new home where I’m not just member X out of 300+, or outside of the “clique”.

Drop me some infos, or you can add me on bnet at Evox#1623 for a chat
Thanks for your time


Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding 2 nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild on Moon Guard! So far, we have achieved 6/9 heroic in Battle of Dazar’alor, and are 2/2 Normal, and 1/2 Heroic in Crucible of Storms. Working on Mekkatorque, and Uu’nat in the coming weeks, hoping to achieve AoTC before 8.2 hits.

We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun with each other.

We raid on Wednesday and Thursday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time. We are also starting up an alt-run Normal raid on Saturday nights as well, to gear up our alts, and evaluate potential recruits.

Currently, we are mainly seeking reliable DPS (Warlock / Shadow Priest) for progression. Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Other classes will be considered of course, as well as skilled players with a lower item level.

We strive for a mature, stress free raiding experience.

We also have several Role Players. We plan out events, currently scheduled on Friday nights, and Sunday, but also love spontaneous role play any day of the week. So we do seek role players as well, who don’t necessarily have to or want to raid, just to have fun!

We are still a small, growing guild, but we like to do a lot together, and are fairly active in game and on discord.

Feel free to contact me at laskaland#1301 on discord if you are interested!

Unfortunately, it looks like Moon Guard is CST and I’m about 3 hours behind your guild’s times ):
Thanks for stopping by, Theodrock, and goodluck

hi there
For Crits and Giggles is accepting casual players and players that are interested in raiding trying to rebuild our raiding team we are 7/9N BoD and 1/2 Cos. We raid on Saturdays 8pm to 11pm central time. We are on US-Rexxar Server.
We also do achievement runs and mythics plusses and help people out leveling. Hope to hear from you:smile:
My Btag- Valckin#11875

Hey Yaddi, i believe our times would work out well and if you are interested in starting mythic progression with us, we always like doing keys so we could likely help you get to the point where you arent a potato :stuck_out_tongue: below is some info about us!

Who is Peak:

Peak [1/9M 9/9H] is an alliance guild on Proudmoore that was established by experienced raiders and friends. We are looking for raiders to fill our core roster so that we can dive into Mythic content. We are striving for a fun and relaxed environment, while still maintaining a solid push in raids on a light schedule.
Willing to merge with a guild. Would discuss ranks, ideals, etc. Days/Times are set however!

Raid Times

Farm Content (Optional)
Friday - 7 PM - 10 PM PST
10 PM - 1 AM EST

Saturday - 5 PM - 8 PM PST
8 PM - 11 PM
Sunday - 5 PM - 8 PM PST
8 PM - 11 PM PST

What are we looking for?

Non BRM Tank


Elemental Shaman


  • All Specs / Classes are encouraged to apply regardless of if they are listed above.

Contact Us

If you feel like you may fit in, please feel free to contact one of us via bnet, or simply post below and we will contact you!

  • Recruitment Officer: Ryg#1965
  • Raid Leader : Thrillhouse#1644

Thanks for dropping by!

I’ll see if I can get in contact with you tonight or tomorrow.

Hey buddy, I sent you a Btag request. I represent “Duh Salty Spitoon”. We are 9/9H and 2/9 M atm.
Our core raids days are Fridays/Saturday at 10pm CST. And we clear heroic raid on Thursdays/Sunday’s at 8pm CST.
When we aren’t raiding we spend a lot of time in M+, and this is our main focus. We have a wide range of player skill all the way up to 1800IO.
If you can make some of our raid times, I would love the opportunity to chat.

Had some chats with folks over the weekend. Couple of cool offers, but I’m an hour or two off with work ):

Still on the look out for right now.
(also 395 now - weapon drops suck whoo!)

Hey Yaddi! Sounds like my Friday raid would be a good fit for you! Take a look! Hopefully we can work something out :slight_smile:

<Hubris> [H] Semi Casual Heroic/Mythic PST

I think you’d be a great fit for our weekend team! :smiley:

Guild Name: Critical
Realm: Stormrage
Current Progression: 9/9H, 2/9M BoD, 2/2H CoS
Contact: Bnet - surjective#11563 (Officer)
AwesomeGuy#1616 (GM)
Discord - Können#5177 (Officer)

Hey! We’re Critical and we’re looking to expand our raid teams and push mythic progression. We’ve been around since 2007 and are trying to push cutting edge after being on hiatus for 2 years. We’ve managed to get AOTC and 2/9M, but we’re hungry for more.

Raid Teams/Schedule:

  • Weekday : Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
    Desired Roles/Classes:
    TANK (dk/pally/warr)
    DPS (lock/priest/druid)
  • Weekend : Friday/Saturday 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm EST
    Desired Roles/Classes: ALL (TANK role preferred, DH/Mage preferred)

If you’re not one of our desired classes for one of our teams, don’t worry! We are always happy to recruit good players, regardless of what they play.

When we’re not raiding, we like to push Mythic + content, as well as do RBGs and achievement/transmog runs. We’re always looking for people for this content as well.

One of our central goals as a guild is to be social. We’ve all been in guilds where people log in for raid night, but the rest of the week you’re playing alone. It sucks. There is no clique or inner circle here. We don’t play favorites since we haven’t known each other for 10 years. We just all wanted the same thing and ended up here. We’re all for inclusivity, within reason of course. You won’t get carried through everything, but if you put in the work, we’ll back you up.

If you feel we might be a good fit for you, feel free to contact us via Bnet or Discord at the usernames in the Contact section above, or send an in-game tell to Können - Stormrage or Liqueur - Stormrage.

If we’re not a fit for you, we wish you luck in finding a great guild. (: