(A) 250 Arms Warrior (5/10) LF Mythic Guild

Hey there ive been raiding since vanilla wow. I am a 250 Arms warrior looking for a 5/10 or higher Mythic Guild . Horde or alliance does not matter just looking to progress and get CE this tier. … Can play prot and fury also have plenty of alts if needed. I would prefer a 2 night raiding guild but would consider 3 nights. I am located on the East coast would prefer to stay with that time zone.

Logs can be found at h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/vezman

Hey Vezman,

Depending on the days you’d prefer, Pandamonium on Mal’Ganis might be what you’re looking for! We’re currently 5/10M and could use a dps warrior. We raid Sat/Sun from 7-10pm EST.

Here’s our recruitment post if you’d like more info!

Good luck finding your new team!

Have you ever considered - 1 Night - Mythic Raiding!

OUR GUILD: Envelop
OUR TEAM: Free Repairs
WE ARE: Horde
WE’RE ON: US - Illidan


from 7 to 11pm CT

PROGRESSION: (At the time of this post)

5/10 M (Painsmith @ 48% ~50 pulls)

(in order of highest to lowest desire)

  • Warlock
  • Warrior
  • Shadow Priest
  • Mage
  • Elemental Shaman
  • Windwalker Monk
  • Rogue

We are open to ALL other classes/specs given the right performance.


The Free Repairs team in Envelop was formed at the start of Shadowlands with only one goal – clearing as much content as possible, all in one night. Because of our one night schedule, we appeal to many diverse individuals. Whether it’s your job or your spouse that won’t allow a multi-night raiding schedule anymore, we’ve got you covered.

All players who apply should understand, just as many other mythic teams - we have a roster of more than 20 raiders. This implies that you may not be brought to each and every pull on progression. We will always bring the best available composition/players so we can have the highest chance of success.



Hi Vezman! Civil Disobedience on Whisperwind/Dentarg might be for you. We raid 2 nights a week. Tues/Thurs 8:00 PM CST - 11:00 PM CST. We also have an organized key group on Wednesday nights. We are currently 4/10M, but expect Soulrender to die this week and then we will be moving on to Painsmith. If this fits your schedule and you are interested, please feel free to add me on discord Kelacia#5055 or bnet Kelacia#1677 and I will send you our short app. Cheers! Kel

< Salt Factory > of Arthas is a 2 night a week Cutting Edge Mythic progression guild.

What we offer

An active community of players that run Mythic Plus regularly. A laid back environment that is fun and enjoyable. Progression raiding on a two day schedule that leaves you with plenty of time to enjoy other aspects of the game or life.

What we expect from you

We expect raiding experience in previous tiers of relevant content. All of our raiders are expected to maintain close to 100% attendance during progression content. It should be apparent that you are putting forth the maximum amount of effort in improving your characters effectiveness.

Current Progression
5/10M Sanctum of Domination
9/10M Castle Nathria
12/12M NYA
7/8M EP

Raid Times:
9pm - 12am EST Tuesday (Progression)
9pm - 12am EST Thursday (Progression)
9pm - 12am EST Sunday (optional)

Recruiting Needs
3 strong DPS, somewhat flexible on classes.

[Recruiter] Lovecoil
Bnet: norquandro#1999
Discord: Lovecoil#8594

Hey there,

Super Adventure Pals sounds like a good fit for you, though we are only a two-day guild. We are 4/10M with sub-10% pulls on Soulrender, and we’re actively recruiting healers for our core. We raid two nights/week, Tuesday-Thursday from 9 P.M. – Midnight EST.

If you’d like to talk with us, feel free to add and message our raid leader Augusto. We also have a neat infographic to give you a good idea of the atmosphere and how we like to run things. Make sure to mention it to Augusto and he’ll show you.

Augusto#12309 (Battle.net)
Augustocaesar#7214 (Discord)

Have a good one :slight_smile:

Bumping the thread up still looking appreciateall the offers already.

Hey Vezman, if you’re still looking I would love to speak with you. We’re currently 7/10M, and looking to add a Arms Warrior immediately to our roster. We will probably kill Fatescribe tonight. I would love to speak with you on Btag Mayhem#11713. I’ve also attached the guild app below for you to fill out if you’re interested.

Children - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week (9 hours of raid)
Castle Nathria - M 10/10 CE
Sanctum of Domination - 7/10 MYTHIC 10/10 HEROIC
Apply here!

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled to Mondays.

Recruiting trials for 9.1. All classes and specs will be considered. Feel free to apply and secure a trial position for Sanctum!

Current Needs: (Immediate core roster spots available)


All positions are competitive and all classes will be considered, therefore applicants should have appropriate logs.

Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time

In-game contacts:
(DISCORD Crixxus#7204 or Madness#5716)

We are a mythic guild made up of CE raiders , high rated PvPers and high IO players with two goals in mind; improvement from previous tiers every tier, and CE every tier. We look forward to hearing from you!

Hey there We are Looking for a Arms warrior for our guild in illidan Horde we are 5/10 mytric and painsmith pull is 29% our raid days are tuesday -wed-thursday from 9-12 server time PM Just Reply if interested

Hey Vezman, I’m Jolly the recruitment officer for Elysium [A] Stormrage-US. We are a 2 day weekend raiding guild looking for more players for Mythic. We’re 10/10 heroic 1/10 M ythic, and do weekly M+ with most of our community being KSM. Raid nights are Friday-Saturday 7pm-10pm est. Let me know if you want to learn more or have a chat. My btag is: Jollywalrus#1140

Skeptic Gaming on Illidan is now recruiting for Heroic and Mythic Sanctum of Domination! We are currently a brand new guild looking to fill our roster and grow our community. We are old friends and players just returning to the game and looking to build a long-lasting and stable home for raiders friends and casuals and most importantly to build a community that will last a lifetime. We have several players with previous/current Mythic experience. We are a Horde guild that has a long history of raiding dating back to Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King.

Raid times: Friday & Saturday 9:30pm-1:30am Server time

Paid transfers will be discussed during the interview.

Let us know if we can assist in anyway what so ever! join us brother!

Contact Info:
Discord: Vexent#5611
Discord Server: discord.gg/VSeZPEhvZQ
Email: skepticgamingwow@gmail.com


We are looking for a few DPS atm, and we are 5/10M. Hoping to get CE this tier, we were 8/10M CN and 11/12M Nyalotha. We raid Tues/Weds 9-1130PM EST

If interested:
Bnet: Sunde#1384
Discord: Sunde#5261

Hey if you’re still looking you seem like a good fit timewise and we need a warrior. Currently only 4/10 but we had a 0.3% wipe tonight so its as good as dead. Hmu on discord (fatraccoon#4082) if you wanna talk or reach out to our raid leader directly his info is in the post