I have a post over on the guild recruitment forums but I wanted to post over here as well to see if any afternoon communities need a healer.
I recently got this Monk up to 60 and have been working on gear/conduits/etc so I’m a little behind but while working on this character I’ve gotten an interest in doing some raiding. I am 242ilvl with 80 renown, I also have my max legendary.
While my Monk is behind I do have experience this raid tier on my main healer who is 10/10H and 5/10M so I do know the fights. I don’t have any preference on what prog your group is, mainly just looking to have a fun time with some chill people!
If you’d like a quick summary of my background I’ve been raiding as a healer Since Nighthold and have played as every healer at least once. I’ve mained Holy/Disc Priest (NH-Antorus), Resto Druid (Antorus-CN), Mistweaver (Briefly in BoD) and my current main is my Resto Shaman (CN-SoD), the only healer I haven’t mained is Hpal.
Due to my mains raid/M+ schedule I can really only make Weds/Sat/Sun nights but can make any day if your raid times are in the afternoon (aside from 3:30-4:30est on Thursdays). I prefer 1-2 day raid guilds that raid during the afternoon or night (afternoon preferred, no morning groups please) but I’m open to looking at any group that might be a good fit.
Discord - Sulveris#2701