Greetings, my wife and I are looking for a new home to to pursue raiding content. We are both 4/10H in SoD and Aotc In Castle Nathria. Our previous guild raided two nights a week on Tuesday/Thursday and that worked really well for us. I can also bring a lesser geared Frost/Blood DK and my wife can also (and prefers to play resto) Or work on gearing up her holy priest if that is a better fit.
We are both decent players, are open to criticism in improving our play and strategies as long as it’s done in a respectful and non aggressive way, this was a huge sticking point with our old raid leader, we’re not signing up to get yelled at two nights a week.
We’re looking for a community, one that will acknowledge our contributions and a group that wants to hang out, have good talks, and wants to potentially extend that on to further games. We’ve both been players since vanilla and we know our way around the game.
I will be checking with replies here but hitting me up on Discord is preferred my screen name is Feldeil #2270
Hey! I’m not sure how open you are to switching Horde but I think you two would be a great fit in our guild. It has the sort of environment you seem to be looking for, though our raid days are different. Take a look at our post and get in touch with me over Discord if you’d like to talk more! lonesoldier09#0009
Sounds like you two would be a great fit in United on Nordrassil server. We are 6/10 Heroic.
We raid Tues / Thurs 7:30 - 9:30 pm server (Mountain Standard Time). With a short time to raid we do take it seriously (starting on time, moving through the old bosses quickly), but we love to have fun while raiding! Outside of raids we have people that smash some keys or just hang out in discord.
I told Query our Lead Recruitment Officer about you guys, he’ll reach out on Discord!