[A] 230ish Prot/Arms LFG

Transferring over from a low pop realm, looking for M+, maybe some raiding.

Hiya Spike,
BiOL is always looking for new people to keep the guild active during non raid hours. etc,
check us out and give us a poke if interested!
Happy hunting!

Reddit raids Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time.

Currently 1/10M & 8/10H. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.

Also have an alt/fun/community raid called BYOB Saturday nights at 9pm central/server.

Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!

Hey buddy,

We raid Fridays/Saturdays 9-12pm. And have alt nights on Thursdays 8-11pm. (Currently 10/10H 3/10M) When we aren’t raiding, we primarily are pushing keys. With players pushing past 2.4K IO.

Would love the opportunity to chat!

Discord- CasualDev#5323
Btag- Dev#1185

Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you about us