[A] 202 Blood DK LF Heroic Guild

I’m seeking an active raiding guild with mature players who don’t waste time socializing and mostly focuses on in-game progression. I play with a small group of RL friends, and haven’t had luck finding a chill core group of raiders. There hasn’t been many successful Heroic pugs so far this expansion, so I’m looking for something more solid. I’m on eastern time, also down to transfer realms.

10/10 Normal Castle x5
3/10 Heroic Castle x2
(I only raid lead pick up groups)

Monday-Friday 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM (EST)
Saturday-Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM (EST)


I’d you could stretch later we have a need for another DK.


Hey Sponsorless,

Eternal Order is a Alliance CE guild on Sargeras. The core team consist of former top 100 players We are recruiting for our mythic team as we currently are 5/10H. We raid T/W/Thurs from 9-12EST. We are moving from 2x a week to 3x a week starting this week in order to push through heroic and get into mythic. Let me know if you are interested.

Bnet - Cabose#1677
Discord - Cabosetv#0275

BUMP - Still looking

Hey, hit me up on btag, schrades#11566