Not interested in Mythic right now, we have retired from the hardcore lifestyle. As we’ve gotten older, we are looking for guilds with a variety of options of things to do, whether it be keystones or a spontaneous raid or guild event. We would really love a guild that’s social, without already established “cliques.” We’ve had a hard time trying to get to know people because they’ve got their group and complete what little content there is to do, with no room for us to get involved!
Our availability is only secured on the weekends, the weekday is too hectic as we work full-time. Thanks!
Centered is a casual weekend raiding guild for experienced players. Our raid times are 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm PST Friday / Saturday.
We are looking for people who are reasonably skilled at the game but are unable or uninterested in committing to serious raiding. We progress through normal and heroic at our own pace, and occasionally dabble with mythic bosses when heroic progression is finished.
If you are interested you can contact us at the battletags below:
Hey Nirav, currently we’re doing mythic but i think we’re a perfect fit, we’re very easy going and even when we’re doing mythic it’s all about having a great time raiding in a friendly environment, we’re 2/2 H CoS and 2/9 M Dazar, we’ve been toguether for 5-6 years and we’re allways looking to keep our roster healthy.
I think you’ll find us approacheable, friendly and fun to hang around.
If you’re interested send me an invite and we’ll chat.