[A] 190 ilvl Affliction Warlock

LF experienced active raiding guild/mythic+ teams bnet name is razga#1824 discord Adromard#0262 willing to switch to horde if necessary

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Hey there! Our guild is currently in need of a Warlock to round out our roster for eventual Mythic prog, if we sound like what you’re looking for maybe check us out?

We’re a semi-hardcore guild on Alliance Turalyon that raids Tues/Weds from 8-11 pm EST with an optional night on the same time frame on Saturday which normally just turns into an alt night - as of writing this we are currently 10/10N and 4/10H. While we aren’t a hardcore CE type of guild we like to have a chill raid environment while also getting serious for the bosses that need it.

I’ll leave more info below but if you’re interested please fill out a small app on our guild site to get in contact, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck in your search! :slightly_smiling_face:

Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Wow Prog: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Forum Post: [A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!

Howdy, come on down and join the Fruit Basket on H Bleeding Hollow server.

We are a guild that was formed at the very end of BfA from a core of players who raided mythic together in Legion. Our goal is to achieve Cutting Edge in Castle Nathria and in every raid tier after. Outside of raiding, we have an active social discord where we hang out daily. We also enjoy pushing high m+ keys and occasionally pvping!

Current Progression
10/10 N
4/10 H

Raid Schedule

Tuesday: 8:00-11:00PM EST

Thursday: 8:00-11:00PM EST

Past Progression

In Ny’alotha we ended at 5/12 M after a few weeks of raiding before we decided to take a break before Shadowlands. During the short time we were progressing, we dealt with many random pugs which slowed us down quite a bit. However, with our now larger and more reliable roster, we’re confident we can blow that progression out of the water.


If you are interested in joining and would like to apply, please message us either here or through one of the ways below:


Soami (Recruitment Officer) - Soami#11155

Akoola (Guild Master) - Akoola#1944

Morg (Community Manager) - SmoggieDoggi#1956


[The Unnamed] is a 5/10 H 10/10 N guild on Darkspear that has just returned from taking a break during MoP. The guild has existed since the end of BC, and a majority of the core players have raided together for 8+ years. We are currently recruiting for M+ and Heroic raiding and plan to do Mythic raiding when our roster is full. Must be exceptionally good at interrupts.

Raid schedule:

Tuesday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Thursday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Sunday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

M+ Pushing will occur on weekends and Mondays. .

We are also considering an optional night for alts / gear catch up and M+ organization.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting an off tank, preferably a Prot Paly or guardian druid. We are also looking for rdps, especially a hunter, lock, and a mage. In terms of melee dps, we are only looking for a demon hunter and/or a rogue (must have exceptional logs because we are already melee heavy). At this time, we are recruiting a disc priest and a holy paly for our mythic healer core.

If you’re interested, hit up one of the following people in-game or via Discord:

Shatter - Co-leader and Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Shatter - Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Potential recruits will need to take part in a discord interview. Please have logs from current content (If you do not have logs, please be willing to explain your class in-depth in the discord interview).

We hope to hear from you soon!!!

Hey there, check us out as we would be a good fit.

Eternal Order | Alliance | Sargeras|

RAID TIMES: Wednesday & Thursday night at 9:00 pm EST


We are 10/10 Normal and 3/10 Heroic at the moment. We will be pushing into mythic raiding at a semi-hardcore pace.

Our core raid team will be pushing progression at a steady pace, but without you having to kill your schedule. We have dependable, talented core players that will help us get through the content and put it on farm mode. We will be doing normal, heroic, and mythic tier raiding.


We need 1 hunter, 1 rogue, and 1 warrior DPS for our mythic raid team roster. Other exceptional classes or roles will be considered.

Hey! We are a semi-hardcore guild that completes the content in a laid back environment while being serious-minded about progression. Mythic+ keys is something we love to do and are always looking for more players to run them with. Our guild is extremely social and we like to communicate with each other outside of raid times.


Our guild has adults 20-35+ with lives outside of World of Warcraft. Real-life comes first. We believe you can enjoy raiding without the constant activity outside of raid.


⌁ Players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun while still being focused on content completion.

⌁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⌁ Players that arrive raid ready with a strong ability to play their class, understand boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

⌁ Gear Requirements:
As this is the end of BFA, we currently have no gear restrictions to join


Awesome! Contact Brobøt (me) to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we are the home for you!


** Brobøt **

BNET: Br4wn#1859

DISCORD: Brobot#8506

Hello. My guild VZN (horde) is a semi-hardcore guild on Tichondrius. We are currently recruiting a warlock for our raid team. We raid Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 730 PM PST to 1030 PM PST. We do require all of our raiders to maintain a raid ready alt. Currently we are 10/10 N and 4/10 H. We are aiming to get CE each tier of Shadowlands.

In addition to raiding we do frequently run M+. We have several people in guild who push whenever they can.

If you are interested or would like more information I can be reached at:
BNET: Ryuk#12683
Discord: Ryuk#9250

I hope to hear from you soon!

[The Unnamed] is a 5/10 H 10/10 N guild on Darkspear that has just returned from taking a break during MoP. The guild has existed since the end of BC, and a majority of the core players have raided together for 8+ years. We are currently recruiting for M+ and Heroic raiding and plan to do Mythic raiding when our roster is full. Must be exceptionally good at interrupts.

Raid schedule:

Tuesday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Thursday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Sunday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

M+ Pushing will occur on weekends and Mondays. .

We are also considering an optional night for alts / gear catch up and M+ organization.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting an off tank, preferably a Prot Paly or guardian druid. We are also looking for rdps, especially a hunter, lock, and a mage. In terms of melee dps, we are only looking for a demon hunter and/or a rogue (must have exceptional logs because we are already melee heavy). At this time, we are recruiting a disc priest and a holy paly for our mythic healer core.

If you’re interested, hit up one of the following people in-game or via Discord:

Shatter - Co-leader and Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Shatter - Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Potential recruits will need to take part in a discord interview. Please have logs from current content (If you do not have logs, please be willing to explain your class in-depth in the discord interview).

We hope to hear from you soon!!!

Guild - Reunion or Whatever
Realm: Whisperwind (US)
Faction: Alliance
Raid Times - 2 Nights (Tues/Wed) 7 - 10pm cst

10/10 Normal - Castle Nathria
4/10 Heroic - Castle Nathria
Realm First - 15+ Keystone (Timed)

Recruitment Needs
Exceptional DPS

Formerly known as After Life (BC through Wrath) and Victory or Whatever (Cata through Mists)

With some original officers and raiders back to retail looking to enjoy shadowlands and raiding together again, we reformed our raid team! 2 nights a week, 6 hours, but something we have been able to do in the past at a high level. We strive for a laid back atmosphere, but you’ll get roasted and people will laugh. We’ll make fun of you for wiping the raid for years after it happens, trust me, this happens to all of us. That’s what friends do! Light hearted fun, but take constructive criticism well. We are all adults and just want to enjoy the game again.

We will be pushing Mythic progression on a light schedule, with the talent and abilities to do so. Come prepared to raid!

Of course, beyond the raiding aspect, we are rolling mythic keys and some members enjoy the PVP aspect as well. Casual players are always welcome to come and we will bring you on our normal/heroic farms and work you into mythic clears as well when the content has been placed on farm.

Bnet - Peejay#1460
Discord - Peejay#8656