[A] 12/12M Sellswords Team, Eternal Kingdom LF Warlock, Balance Druid

happy christmas y’all

Happy new year friends!

Toss a coin to your raid lead…

with loots of much plenty with loots of much plenty

ignore those people

what she said.

I sent a friend request :slight_smile:

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come out. join us.

lets get these bosss killssss

lets goooo

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Ilgy Dead, Carapace next!

still LFM – hunters hunters hunters

Carapaccio down! Still LFM for Nzoth and beyond!

bumping for nzoth prog

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he used the bad word.

OP updated to reflect our c urrent recruitment for a tank.

had a lot of fun on the clear last night. cmon and check us out.

hey come join us!

Things that go bump in the dark!

whacka whacka mole is a thing