Bump. Ranged DPS wru?
Wtb more dps apps.
Still looking for a healer, and some DPS.
Bump. Hivemind is getting close. Need more applications!
Bump. Hivemind is going down!
Hivemind is dead.
Looking for a M+ tank who also likes to raid.
Currently interested in a flex tank, and a warlock/fire mage.
Xanesh down. Vex is next.
Now actively looking to add a couple of DPS, and a tank. And a healerâŠ
Great opportunity to still get in on mythic farm kills before these early bosses get locked out for further progression. Assuming attendance boss doesnât get in the way of our progression, we should be 7/12 fairly soon.
Bump. Vexiona next.
Still looking for a tank (bonus if DPS offspec), and a healer. We are slowing down DPS recruitment while we evaluate the current set of trials.
Vex dead. Onwards to Ra-den!
Still looking to add a full time healer, and a tank.
As well as a couple of strong DPS
Still looking for a tank.
Ra-den down.
Bump! Looking for a tank right now.
Still interested in a tank and a healer. Strong DPS welcome to apply.
Bump bump! Come join the fun!
Still looking for that elusive competent tank, and a healer.