A 1 button all-in-one kill command macro

Personally I love Chimaeras and I found that this Macro works like a charm, thought I’d share it with y’all.

#showtooltip Kill Command
/cast Call Pet 1
/cast Kill Command
/cast Froststorm Breath
/cast Frost Breath

I would love to figure a way to add Bestial Wrath to the mix as well

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#showtooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Call Pet 1
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Froststorm Breath
/cast Frost Breath

Bestial Wrath can be added that way yes but since KC and BW are both on the GCD there is no way to trigger them both at once.

i have mine as a /castsequence with KC then BW (yes u lose on that initial kc damage, but it’s the only way i know to have those 2 macroed since the gcd change); follow that with your /cast breath:
/castsequence reset=3 kill command, bestial wrath
/cast froststorm breath
/cast frost breath

the sequence allows you to just use KC as it procs as it resets when only hit once, and it uses BW when it’s good. hope this helps.

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Hunter advice from a Warlock? I like it :grin: I’ll have to check it out in the morning. Thanks for the info

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i could have written it from this one, but that’s too time consuming, lol. =P

yeah, and to make it worse, i noticed i logged off with her still sporting her timewalking gear, lol. =]

Hey if it looks good on ya, flaunt it girl :grin:

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Did they buff the chimera breath or something? I remember it being a DPS loss to even use unless you were hitting a decent number of targets with it.

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I was thinking the same thing. As I remember it being a dps loss too. Definitely worth looking into.

it may still be a dps loss, but for pvp, the constant chill effect keeping enemies slowed works wonders.

That macro is a dps loss since you want to have bestial wrath active before kill command not after.

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yeah, i thought i wrote that as well, but i must be thinking of a similar post. it’s the only way i know to macro it and still be able to use KC on cd, but yes, it will be an initial dps loss since you want to use BW then KC. it’s what i coined as my “lazy dps macros” lol. =]

Since I haven’t gotten into much PVP yet the possible DP loss on the Chimaera doesn’t really bother me too much. My next goal is a spirit beast which I hear are very good in PVP

they’re also great in higher raiding and mythic+ runs. the heal and shield help reduce some of the pain you endure.

Just picked up a manasaber, the bonus stealth like ability is pretty cool. Not sure yet if it works while in combat or not.

only for its first attack. he doesn’t stealth until out of combat again.

i just use gnome seq on my bm hunter.