[9/9H] <Plagued> LFM prepping S4 One night raid group

We are currently looking for a few more raiders to fill out the solid core we already have going into s4 and War within. We raid one day a week and have accomplished aotc doing it.

Raid Times

  • Weds - 7pm (sever)
    (2nd day is always a maybe but we decide that as a guild before ever implementing it.)

Classes needed
Everything open

Guild requirements

  • Attendance since we are one day a week(if life happens it’s cool just a heads up then)
  • Willingness to learn and accept criticism
  • Just be a good person not hard

Any interest in any of this! Just message me :slight_smile: Hope to hear from y’all!

Discord - Loadsofjuice#7050
Bnet - Loadsofjuice#1585


Still looking :slight_smile:

Hey! Hit us up!

10.1 is coming up!

4 more resets!

Daily pump

Another day closer hit me up folks!

I added you on discord.

Hello, a friend and I are interested in joining. Raid times work for us. I am a pally DPS with a tank offspec, and my friend is a DK and is on the fence about switching. I sent you a friends request on discord.

Only a couple weeks left! Fillllin up

2 weeks :slight_smile: we are looking still!!

1 week till 10.1 hit me up!

New raid in 2 weeks!!!

We have one week till next raid release!

Hey Raid soon

Always looking! Hit me up :slight_smile:

Hey hey! Bae still have the doors open

Hey you come check us out!

We opening it back up! Anyone hit me up

Hey, returning player looking to join a chill heroic level guild, hoping to join with my friend. We both have experience with heroic and some early mythic bosses. I’m a dps warrior and they’re a evoker (heals)