98 achieved

Won a match, new PR achieved. Think I can win another and get to 196 rating??


Don’t risk it, just sit. :dracthyr_nod:

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Risked it, went 0-3 and now I’m at negative 224 rating :confused:

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Ya its because of all the boosters gatekeeping. It’s impossible to climb in 3s unless you pay and get carried.

Yuuuuup I queued into Trill playing with some random Evoker during my placement games. The Evoker was trash but Trill basically 3v1d us :expressionless:

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I did a skirmwish after changing my whole UI like 5-6 keybinds and changed my sarena layout. Q’d into pikaboo on his druid with 2 guys that clearly had no idea what was going on. The whole time I was yelling NOT LIKE THIS NOT LIKE THISSSSS