94.1% Avg. 8/8H Frost Mage LF Mythic Guild

I’m looking for a mythic guild. I’ve been playing since Vanilla 05. I’m M 31 y/o. Looking for a guild on the west coast. Would prefer to be a sub in rather than a permanent position.

Feel free to look me up on Warcraft logs. I’ve only been pugging. My average should be a bit higher. I.e. last night I did 46k+ on commander in a pug which is page 1 or 2 for Frost US. I never log fights and pugs rarely do either.


We might would be interested, but it’s more East Coast friendly times. 6/8M, with raid times of Tue/Thur from 8 - 11 EST. We also do an optional heroic run on Wednesday evenings. If any of that jives with what you are looking for, feel free to give me a btag add - Conzeula#1172

Throwing this out there, this kid (yes kid, not 31 year old) has been in every guild under the sun including Horde-side ICBG on Proudmoore where after several temper tantrums at guild members to the point where no one wanted to play with him he faction swapped. I wouldn’t bother.