9.2.7 Auction House is Temporarily Closed

I accidently found this bug and didn’t realize how to do it . I retraced my steps and when I I made test auctions to replicate it, I made them for outrageous prices because I was curious and didn’t think it would work again . I made 3.4mil from it because of it. I immediately reported bug after I received it in the mail 2 hours before the AH went down. I haven’t spent any of it.

I was a Torch 2 kind of guy.

Then their tests were not thorough enough. I do not recall seeing anything at all about having a stress test to ensure that the system is working correctly. :thinking: And ready to deploy.


They more than likely do… but more times than not I’ve seen people get to keep ill gotten gains.

and not just any system either… one of the primary systems that people utilize to earn their gold. But what should we expect after the S4 launch.

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well that didn’t work. what’s the closest backup we have to reload the code from?

what do you mean Wrath LFG got deleted by accident? you hit the numpad with your wrist and highlighted it? what???

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I haven’t seen anything addressing this. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen just the AH unavailable, so it probably isn’t wise to assume they’ll treat it just like “normal patch day”. If they get a fix, it might be as simple as bringing everything down just long enough to deploy it - so maybe we aren’t talking about an hours and hours thing.

But who knows right now :stuck_out_tongue:



Guaranteed if you got extra gold from a bug you didn’t even know you were in the middle of… they’ll take it. BUT… if they do return listings without returning deposits, you’re just out that gold. You’re just SOL. Because that is how Blizzard operates.

Exploit early and exploit often.

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given fact that the Blue post originally said “hopefully” don’t get your hopes up.

I smirked @ that, when imagining the outrage from players :joy: Lmao

So how about you make it up to us by bringing back that xp buff for a month or two? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :innocent:

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Yes, yes I do. Also I am not limited to the ATM at my Bank. Not a good analogy.

Back to street peddling.

Psst hey kid, wanna buy some herbs?
Be cool…

Yea. Or he’d be bragging about how much gold he made already


Does anyone really care?

Hopefully they will take that into account. If you get to keep the gold that’ll be a bonus.

their armory doesnt exist and mirasoul said they havent posted for 3 weeks


I really, REALLY don’t envy you your job most days…

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