A few balancing changes and raid tweaks that aren’t even really more significant than hot fixes are.
A new BG
Opening mythic raids
Cross faction
There doesn’t actually seem to be a huge chunk of significant new content. What’s up with this massive maintenance period like we’re getting a new zone and raid?
What we’re getting doesn’t seem to warrant this length of maintenance. Like at all.
“Oh there’s always long maintenance when a major content patch come out.” … yeah… that’d true… but we aren’t getting a major content release.
The cross faction additions alone is undoin’ almost 20 years of both factions goin’ after each others. There’s a lotta behind-the-scenes fixin’ one has to do to make sure that works properlys.
Really I’m sayin’ that’s the biggest parts: Makin’ sure that works. 'Course maintenance times are a suggestions more than hard facts so who knows when it’ll actually get dones.
.5 patches are usually QoL patches. So, this is actually pretty huge, not even taking into account the stuff that comes later.
how much it will take? I don’t see blue posts about it
Buddy there’s more going on than that
And in sure you can live without wow for a few extra houes
You have no idea what they’ve got going on in the background. Maybe the faction stuff requires re-compiling ten years of spaghetti code and they want to make sure it actually works right before they let people back in.
I’m positive that you can find something else to do with your Tuesday morning. Read a book.
Is it copium to think they’ll make class changes when season 4 launches?
Are we really getting no balancing until 10.0?
I missed that post and I am dumb.

Happens to the best of us!
With so many potential bugs from cross faction grouping, i’d venture to guess 8hr downtime is reasonable, i suspect it will be a lot shorter though.
Oh there was balancing, it was bad and misplaced.
Cross faction play is a huge change. I’d rather they take 8-12 hours to apply the patch correctly, than get in and find that everything is broken.
Always gotta be at least one of these replies. Questioning the necessity of extended maintenance always implies that the person questioning it doesn’t have anything else to do.
Oh wait… that hasn’t been true ever.
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The lack of buffs to underperforming specs is very strange. I was expecting a damage and mana buff to Fealine Stomp.
MW has issues in M+, and there are buffs that don’t make them broken in raid.
Jeez man, you seem irritable
Is it because of the wow downtime?
There must be some reasons why it’s 8 hours maintenance, they would give us fancy words and I still wouldn’t understand why it takes 8 hours… 
So you think turning on cross faction dungeons is basically pressing a button?