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Spoilers will be shown do not click if you don’t want spoilers
So they get a blood elf heritage armor and a new quest chain of the blood elves after the events of Shadowlands, reintroduces a threat from ghostlands, the scourge
The san’lyn is back as a threat
This further proves that silver moon city and quel’thalas will forever be a blood elf zone
They need this after void elves took their uniqueness and I’m glad Blizzard is recognizing blood elves
The Datamining shows Galakrond being missing from the Northrend Maps.
On top of this the Necromancers have dropped all subtlety and unleashing their full armies!
As Bolvar said: Death comes and the end of everything(I.E. the Shadowlands) is only the beginning!
Death’s invasion part 2 has started!
Danuser stated that Shadowlands was the end of WC3’s Story. He did not say it was the end of WotLK’s Story!
WC3 was about the Nathrezim’s schemes concerning the Scourge. The Story involved the corruption of Arthas, the Invasion of Argus, BfA and Shadowlands.
The Scourge’s own story starting in The Frozen Throne(when it rebelled against the Jailer) is continuing into the next Expansion.
The plot threads from Dawn of the Aspects, Day of the Dragon, The Frozen Throne, The War of the Ancients Trilogy, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade, Night of the Dragon, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Battle For Azeroth are coming to a head next Expansion.
I think my bluebeery elf should be allowed to return to the horde . I will accept not being able to live in silver moon , I just don’t want it to be on the same faction as Helfers .
Considering the dark iron dwarves weapons and mount data mined in the same patch, and the recently data mined mounts I think it’s quite reasonable to say BE are likely getting heritage weapons and a green hawkstrider mount as well.
Which is lame AF compared to the di dwarf wolf mount which is awesome. Green is not fabulous. TF blizz, WE WANT FABULAAAAAAAAS!
Blood Elves already have heritage armor. Would be kinda funny and sad at the same time if they got more heritage armor before other races got their first.