9.2 return of master looter?

I heard that master loot might be coming back from a youtube channel called dalaran gaming? To my memory nearly everyone hated master loot along with how much it was abused; so why bring it back? Isn’t trading gear close enough?

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that’s not quite accurate


Which wasn’t terribly often, but those who misunderstood loot priority and guild based progression wanted it gone, so here we are.


No they didn’t. If you were in a good guild Master Loot was very nice.


Had to ask around my friend group and discords. Y’all gaslighting me, people did hate it.

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People hate everything in WOW. People hated master looter. People hated master looter going away.

People simultaneously love and hate all the things in WOW because they are a motley bunch of misfits.

Except maybe daze. I’m not sure anyone actually likes the daze mechanic.


people who exclusively pugged raids hated it because it meant they didn’t always get loot.

people who raided progression with a solid steady team and could look beyond “me me me ilvl ilvl ilvl” preferred it.


But if you can already trade loot why hand the power back to be able to steal, scam, or unfairly give things out like the years when master loot was around?

Because trading loot doesn’t replace master loot. It doesn’t account for things like “This item is a better relative upgrade for X than Y”, or “This is a higher item level item that is worse for X”, or things like that.

Not to mention there’s a difference in running an externally-based loot reward allocation system (e.g. DKP) that can run smoothly when you can allocate loot, versus when you’re relying on whether or not people are allowed by the game/willing to trade items

Your couple of friends is not a sample size that represents the player base. It’s just “some people”, which might not be a significant group of people.


If its optional then people who dont want to use it dont have to. Trading loot would be fine if they allowed all loot to be traded regardless of ilvl.
If I get a staff on my druid but I have a mh/oh already then I still cant trade it even if I dont want it.
That is to say nothing of stat weighting
That feels really bad among friends who you want to help


The actual reason they took it away is that it took way too much customer support time for blizzard to deal with all the complaints/item restoration requests associated with master loot. It was done to save money, nothing more.


Honestly if they bring it back is should be restricted to the top 100 guilds per region. The general player base always has and always will blatantly abuse master loot. If you can’t sort loot without bias you don’t deserve the power at all. Or keep it personal loot but remove trading restrictions so you can happily tell them off if you want. Zero reality I’m ever going to go back to looting a BIS piece and being forced to trade it off. Not happening.

Well I didn’t hate it. I think it’s stupid it went away. If you had a guild with a good loot council then you got your bis pieces and not a bunch of crap that was useless for you. It was nice. I don’t think it really matter for the very casual raider though, and I am now a very casual raider. But who knows, maybe that will change some day and I think it should come back as an option.

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We have people come to the forums who complain about people not handing them their personal loot. There are people who play this game who believe that they deserve any item they can get.

That was the majority of complaints around masterloot and a lot of the whining around personal loot in pugs.

Might as well bring back need over greed, too.


the problem is that many selfish players think “if i don’t get every piece of loot i want, it’s because of bias”. there are way too many people who don’t understand that progression raiding is a team effort where one person hitting 255 ilvl the second week mythic is open isn’t necessarily what’s going to help the raid progress fastest.


Don’t look for this in 9.2. According to WoWhead’s summary of Morgan Day’s interview on The Starting Zone podcast:

They recognize personal loot has problems for both guild groups and casual pugs, but it would be something to be addressed between expansions, not a patch.

Ugh they should just remove trading restrictions and we would be done. Sure world first could do insane gear stacks etc but who cares? thats like 150 people total.


I can actively find old priority loot tables photos, old forum post, and old videos on people complaining about the system. Beings back old memories. The good old days of loot theft, popularity contest for who gets loot first, pugs knowing it was a waste of time since they would be left out, and people gearing their alts over other players. Yeah, as great as I remembered.

Only way I could see this being good is if it was some kinda dungeon/raid pre-run vote like a ready check so you couldn’t change the loot system mid way and those who voted agree to loot being handed out.

Or even better just remove trade restrictions.

If it’s not an ilvl upgrade you can’t trade it. I can’t tell you how many pieces rotted these last two tiers because I couldn’t trade it to anybody.

Master loot just gives guilds the option to handle it how they want. I don’t begrudge anybody not wanting to use it, but losing the option entirely is a huge bummer.


Master loot wasn’t even useable unless the group was all, or nearly all, members of the same guild. It hadn’t been a part of pug raiding since at least Warlords, if not even earlier.

The problem at the moment is that if something is an item level upgrade you don’t have the option to trade it, there are numerous opportunities where a player is given an item level upgrade they won’t equip over their current gear, or because your group values raid progression over their own individual characters would rather give the item to someone who can make better use of it, but can’t.

Any way they choose to solve that problem would be a positive for me, be it remove ilvl restrictions or re add guild only master loot, I don’t really care.

I haven’t seen any mention of them planning to do such a thing though, unfortunately.

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