9.2 Release Date?

Indeed. People who think WoW can just decide on a 3-year expansion cycle are kidding themselves. Expansion every two years is a big part of the revenue model.

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they’re mostly tuning, it’ll be out the moment that they’re done tuning.

Like when we got the rough layout for Shadowland? Either leaks are plants for PR or they’re disgruntled employees just leaking things.

Seems like they got plenty of later, and the former would require something substantial to leak.

When did we get the rough layout for the Shadowland? I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I just don’t remember hearing about it.

Most of the leaks were like press or trailer material leaking ahead of Blizzcon. The only leak I can recall that was legitimately someone on the dev team leaking stuff out and not just leaked after it had gone out to be prepared for PR was Warlords of Draenor, where we got a snapshot of the internal state of development six months ahead of its official reveal.

One could make some kind of argument that with all of the PR disasters maybe a leak should have happened from someone upset about the internal state of Blizzard, but I dunno. The Warlords leak was kind of rambling/insane and didn’t come across as real either, and we’ve seen a lot of insane theories disgused as leaks so who knows? Maybe it has been leaked already.

February 22nd. Twenty more days.

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I missed this post earlier -

New PTR build tonight. Makes me think we’re not getting an announcement date trailer this week. Probably get announcement date trailer next week with a Feb 22 patch release date as others speculate.

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You’re dreaming my dude.

Here, this tells you they are FAR from done with tuning passes and fixing classes.

I’m telling you, 9.2 is not coming before March. Don’t mistake me though, I want to be so wrong. But yeah… PTR is not as solid as people think. And let not even talk about some classes that have been 100% ignored, like Rets and BMs.

There is no chance it gets released February now which I was hoping for. They always announce these things at least a month ahead. There is also a big PVP tournament starting on March 18th. I don’t think they would release it in the middle of this tournament or right before, that wouldn’t be fair to players prepping. Factoring all of this in, my release date guess is March 8th.

You guys release we usually get 2-3 weeks of a season ending warning, and then 2-3 weeks after that there’s a post-season before a new patch drops. We’re looking at mid-March at the earliest.

Why do people say this? patches are not announced a month in advance…They generally give one week notice that the season is ending. Not a month.

It looks like announcement for 9.1 came on 6/17ish for 6/29 release.

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Announcement Feb 8, release Feb 22. Keep ya eye on next Tues fam!

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March 8th would lead to their tournament interfering with the RWF, which they absolutely will not do. Expect March 8th to be mythic week 1, with the thought process being that it rarely takes beyond 8 days for world 1st.

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Negative my friend. There are still massive bugs to be fixed (double legendaries don’t work a lot of the time for example), several classes and specs have not even begun to be tuned or had their tier sets iterated on, there’s still raid testing to do, currently no way to obtain 265/278 conduits, among other issues. We are probably at least a month out from release, if not more.

No there isn’t. Job’s done, as they say.

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Just a friendly contrary opinion here:

They don’t tune all the classes between patches
Are adding conduits to loot tables that difficult?

Real question:

What raid testing is left?

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There isn’t any. He’s wrong about that. All that is left is minor set tuning, TZ tuning, misc bug fixes, and testing creation catalyst.

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Hot take: announcement today or tomorrow

Feel free to call me out if wrong.

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No way is next expansion coming out this year in Nov…

Perhaps I didn’t say it clearly…

Every final patch since TBC has been over 300 days…to include MoP

I’m in the extreme minority but take all the time you need Blizz for 9.2 since I was taken for starting Sylvie prog this weekend. Talk about the ultimate race against time. :sweat: