9.2 Release Date?

I thought y’know, maybe they didn’t want to announce 9.2’s release date on the same day they announced Season of Mastery Phase 2 release date, but it’s a different day now.

Can we get a release date please?


at this point , i think 9.2 will never be released


Genuine question… what makes you think the patch is ready?

I understand people are burnt from lack of content… but what good is an announcement if the patch isn’t ready, the date may be really far away, or it might cause them to cut corners to meet the date?

I think people have been saying for quite some time… 9.2 is not happening before last week of Feb. at the earliest and msot likely 1st week of March. Just play the game my man…


The content has been tested and tuned. The only hanging chad is Tazavesh M+ tuning from my understanding.

I think some players could align sub with a date, that’s why they ask for it, so you can min-max your money :thinking:

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I do play the game, but I’m pretty much tired of this patch and my motivation to finish leveling all my remaining characters is also draining as I play through the Threads of Fate Shadowlands experience 5 times in a row back to back.

I level lock at 49 so I can stay and do every thing in Chromie. Screw 9.2 give us a whole new expansion lol. Can’t take SL no mo.

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Same here man

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No, it hasn’t.
There are still Tier sets that are being reworked.
The solo shuffle is still being worked on, it only recently got tested with blues last friday.
There hasn’t been a “release” candidate uploaded to the PTR yet either.

you mean they haven’t been cutting corners? i mean just look at SL. and even SL was pushed back release date wise. they still let it go live with all the negative feedback given in the beta as well.

typical blizzard

I’m still going with 9.2 march, 9.2.5 summer and 10.0 november


Are there?

I was under the impression solo shuffle was mostly a “live beta” for the feature to arrive in 10.0. It won’t be up all the time and would presumably see tweaks via hotfixes and maybe a big update in 9.2.5.

This is true though. Hoping that this will happen tonight or tomorrow.

I hope April or early May, excited to try it out.

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March?? 10.00 in November? No way

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Pretty much my belief too.

OP - they usually announce it a few weeks prior.

That’s… extremely optimistic haha

They haven’t released even a short trailer, short teaser, or short cinematic for 10.0 and we’re already in February (2/12 months). For them to pull a surprise miracle out of their rear end with a November 10.0 release AND for it to be good/not rushed is quite the stretch :rofl:

Only way I see them pulling off a miracle November/December release for 10.0 is if it’s hella rushed/cut corners… and in that case we’re “right back to square one” with another bad expac for the next 2 years/until 2024


I can agree with 9.2 in March and 9.2.5 in the Summer

But there is no way you are going to see 10.0 this year.

The patches are already the longest in the games history…there is no way they are going to turn it around

For reference. There hasn’t been a last patch since TBC that didn’t last over 300 days


I resonate with this sentiment. and this is a fairly new account. I know other games, GW2 and SW:TOR have new expansions coming in Feb. Well, not sure if SW:TOR’s content is a full expansion or the equivalent to WoW’s content patches.

That would be great as my birthday is Apr. 8

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So the Sylvanas novel is set to come out at the end of March, so it’s possible that Blizzard could have things set up for the book to come out, people read it, see things from Sylvanas’ perspective, and then have the patch come in April.